~*Video leaked??*~

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Wow it was already morning, I still couldn't feel my legs I was lucky enough to walk to the bathroom. I got into the shower then changed into one of JJ's shirts and slided on a pair of Jeans.  

"Morning pretty boy" I whisper to JJ as he slightly woke up

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"Morning pretty boy" I whisper to JJ as he slightly woke up. "Morning Cupcake" JJ said with his morning voice, I dont know why but I swear guys and their morning voices are just so hot. "Whats the plan for today?" He ask me as I struggle to walk to the door. "I- uh I have no clue" I say as he laughs at me because of the way I'm walking. "Be quiet you did this." I snapped at him with a laugh. "John B!" I say wondering were he is. "What, Its like 5 in the morning." He argues. "Um no its not its actually 10am. and weren't we meant to have a group meeting at the spot?" I asked as he looked at me and laughed. "What?" I question when I realized "Why are you walking like that? did JJ do this?" He laughed as JJ came out of the room. "Shut up." I snap at him. "Alright alright, and yea we are at 12 so get the beer we need to pick everyone up." John B said looking at JJ.  "fuck you.." I whisper with a laugh as I hug JJ. 

~*Meeting time*~

We began to pull up and Kie's dock which she stood there with both Sarah and Pope. "Hey guys!" I shout at them helping them into the boat. "Everything okay?" I ask since none of them are smiling and actually look worried. "I- um we need to talk when we get to our spot" Sarah said nervously. Shit what did I do I thought to myself. I snuggled into JJ as I was nervous for what they had to say. It was a quiet ride to the spot, there wasn't even any emotion from anyone. 

"Alright so I'm going to be straight up with u y/n.." Sarah said nervously handing us her phone "open the message from that unknown number.." she mumbled, we did what she said and we saw a video of Josh and me against the wall the first day he came and a video of Rafe and Josh kissing my neck. "what the fuck?" JJ said looking at me. "And theres proof of what they did to me." I said looking straight down. "No not just that look at the message.." Kie said. 

Dear slut.. We have a request for you. If you dont want these videos leaked with a big attachment of saying how much of a whore you are. please meet us once again. But this time its a real punishment. 

"Shit no this isn't happening.." I say standing up but leaning against a tree. "What do I do?" I questioned looking at everyone horrified. "They're going to spread that throughout the island and are going to spread rumor's.. fuck!" I yelled threading my hands through my hair. "I say we go to the cops.. Because this can be put up for assault." Sarah suggested. "okay okay but we got to beat them to it.." I say stressed out. "Or before they get to you.." Kie added. we all hopped onto the boat and headed home to get into the Twinkie. We headed to the police station before we went around the corner we saw 3 motorbikes revving up to us. "shit.." John B mumbled. "I- I dont know what to do" I mumble as I'm about to have a panic attack. "John B just drive we aren't that far away!!" JJ screamed at him "I'm going as fast as I can!!" John B screamed back. "Guys one of out tires are out!" Pope screamed. "Guys this is going to sound crazy but pull over.. they want me they can have me.. Save yourselves.." I said as the Twinkie began to spin out. "go to the cops once they have me and look everywhere from abandoned churches to docks to Barry's house anywhere and everywhere.." I say as the Twinkie came to a stop. Barry came up to the window and held a shotgun to John B's head causing me to cry in fear that he was going to pull the trigger. 

"Everyone out of the car now!!" Barry screamed as Rafe pulled the door open. Josh grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the Twinkie knocking me out with a bat. "Y/N!!" I heard JJ scream before I was out cold. Barry instructed everyone to lay in the ditch until they all had left holding me on the back of Rafes motorbike. "Fuck!" John B screamed. "Hurry run to the cop station!! GO!" Sarah yelled as everyone sprinted to the cop station. 

~*Y/n POV*~

"Well well well.. Look who we finally have.." Josh said in excitement. "Can I go home now?" I say as my head whorled. I figured that the more I annoy them the angrier they will get so I carried on. "No you cant go home right now." Rafe said opening the door to the room. "Well when can I? I was hoping to go for a surf this afternoon so you guys can kidnap me another time." I say being a smartass. "what the fuck? Is this really the person you wanted to kidnap? Yes shes hot but the fuck?" Barry says coming into the room also. "Yup.." Josh said. "We just want to hurt those pogues especially JJ by taking his lover away." Rafe said with a smirk while winking at me "Well um, what did they do to you that got you tied up in your panties anyways?" I question him with a smirk as my arms are tied down into a hard wooden chair. They avoided my question but got pissed off so they all slapped me in the face one after another. "you guys hit like bitches I swear.." I say looking at Rafe in the eyes. "Hit me like a man then Ill stop talking." They all hesitated for a second but continued to do as I said and 'hit' me like a 'man'. "Yep still little girls.. Wheezie could probably hit harder that all of you combined.." I say pausing for a second. "I love how I can make you all my bitch so easily" I smirk earning a punch in the stomach. 

~*Pogues POV*~

They are all running towards the police station were they see officer Shoupe standing at the front. Kie was probably the calmest out of all of us so she went inside and told Officer Shoupe what happened. "So your telling me Barry, Rafe and Josh kidnapped y/n and knocked her out in front of you AND shot at your tires?" Shoupe questioned. "Yes now can you please help us she was threatened from the start with this message" Kie says handing her phone to Shoupe so he could see. "Alright we will get patrol cars out there now lets roll!!" Shoupe yells out to the office. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" Kie says running outside getting into a police car with Shoupe and her friends. "Okay where to first kids?" Shoupe ask as they are all looking out of the windows. "Check the church first!" JJ says as they pull up. "Alright go in there then come back or yell if anyone's in there." He says tipping his police hat at them. 

It was a long process before they could find her, Everyone was beginning to get even more worried about how long she had been missing. "Check Barry's house I know were he lives" JJ says after they checked everywhere else with no luck. "alright JJ you may as well drive I trust you so dont break that" Shoupe demands JJ. "wont let you down sir" JJ salutes to Officer Shoupe before getting into the drivers seat. They were now about 3 minutes away from Barry's house when they saw all 3 motorbikes leave from their. "Hey theres 3 red motorbikes leaving from Barry's house find them and Take them down" Shoupe said on the radio to the other officers. "y/n?!" Sarah screamed as they all hopped out of the car running inside. "Hey guys over here!!" Pope screamed from outside in a small metal shed. 

They all walked into the shed in a hurry to find her but when they looked through it, all they saw was blood and a sheet covering something...

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