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~*Wheezie's attempt*~

"Rafe! Can you help me please!?" Wheezie yelled heading to the room where he was. "With what?" Rafe said heading out of the room locking it behind him. "I- um I cant unzip my suitcase.. Can you go do it?" Wheezie said quietly looking at her feet. "Okay fine." Rafe snapped walking with Wheezie. |Wheezie's Mind: I cant believe he fell for that again| Rafe followed Wheezie into her room, she coughed loudly to alert Sarah and John B who were only around the corner but they didn't hear her. She tried doing a pattern with her feet tapping on the ground as Rafe went over to her suitcase unzipping it with ease. "okay look its done." Rafe said pointing at it. "Thanks Rafe.. How's y/n going?.." Wheezie asked with hesitation. She thought that it would be better if she made small talk while John B and Sarah went to go get Y/n from below deck. "Shes okay.. why?" Rafe looked at Wheezie with his eyebrow raised. "Because I care about her, dad told me shes pregnant.." Wheezie nervously explained as her brother looked at her with a smirk walking closer pulling her in for a hug. That was the first time in a long time Rafe has hugged his sister. "I'm gonna go spend some time with her now." Rafe smiled at Wheezie as she stood there in shock. 

~*John B and Sarah's POV*~

"Did you hear that?" John B asked as he listened in for what he had heard. "no?" Sarah asked confused but realizing she can hear a pattern of footsteps. "That's Wheezie.." Sarah said getting up quickly and heading under the deck. "Quick before Rafe gets back" John B says following Sarah until they realize they see two guards at the entrance. "Shit.." Sarah says looking at John B has he takes off one of his bracelets and throws it into the room next to them. "C'mon" John B said to Sarah as they go to the door struggling to unlock it. "y/n u should be able to unlock it from the inside!" Sarah said loud enough for y/n to hear her. Y/n ran to the door and tried pushing it open. With the amount of struggle being caused the guards come back as the door burst open. "Go go go!" John B shouted pushing the guards out of the way. "Go run!" Sarah instructs Y/n as she is struggling to even walk properly. "Whats wrong?" John B questions as Sarah's grabs y/n's hand and drags her along before making a stop as Rafe walks out in front of them. "Hello beautiful" Rafes says looking at Y/n. "Give her here" Rafe proceeds to pull out a gun pointing it at John B who puts his hands up. Rafe just smirks before getting hit over the head with a bottle. "Lets go!" JJ screams before helping y/n. 

~*Do they win or lose?*~

Topper and Kelce then run out helping Rafe up before running after the pogues who are trying to unhook the small boat hanging from the side of the Cameron's boat. Ward saw the delusion happening on board and ran out wondering what was going on. Topper and Kelce pull out their pistols that they were carrying and grabbed JJ. y/n swung at topper leaving him with a blood nose as she swung again into the side of this head proceeding to knee him in the crouch. JJ was being held up in a headlock by Kelce as Rafe continued smashing him in the stomach with the back of his gun. "Let go of him Kelce!" Kie screamed jumping on Rafes back. John B punched Kelce in the side causing him to drop to the floor holding his side were John B punched. "JJ!" I scream as he drops to the floor as Rafe raises his gun to JJ's head. "Rafe stop!" Sarah screams. "If you want to shoot someone so badly shoot me!!" I yell jumping in front of JJ covering his head with my body. "Take her back to below deck." Ward instructs the guards while they pick me up and carry me below deck. "Get the fuck off of me!" I yell. Those were the last words the Pogues heard from my mouth as I black out. 

~*Pogues POV*~

"Rafe just give her back we dont need anymore of this!" Sarah yelled as JJ lays there unconscious. "Shes pregnant for fuck sakes!" Pope joins in pointing towards the direction the guards took y/n. "Yeah with my baby!" Rafe screams back shooting the gun in the air spooking everyone around. "Get out of here" Ward yells following Rose and Wheezie inside. "JJ wake up" Kie says slapping his face light to hard in seconds as he lays there. "Hes still breathing." Kie looks up at Rafe with tears in her eyes but looks back at JJ. "Get off my boat.." Rafe says picking JJ up throwing him into the water surrounding them. "What the fuck Rafe!?" Sarah screams pushing her brother back. Kie jumps after JJ and carries him to the edge of the boat, the others make there way towards the small boat they had gotten down. "Get in and dont come back" Rafe instructs still holding the gun at them. "Can we atleast see her?" Sarah ask crying into John B's arms. Pope helps JJ and Kie back onto the boat hoping JJ will wake up soon, as Rafe hesitates to answer he finally concludes to "When the baby's here you can.." He smirks at them as their faces drop. The Pogues leave the boat in tears knowing it will be a lot of time until they see her again. Since they're all facing the opposite way they dont see what happens next. Rafe fires a shot to the pogues as they all duck facing back wondering why he did it, even though it isn't surprising. Rafe stood there with the gun still aiming towards them until Topper managed to get up and pulled his arm down. Rafe pushed Topper off of him then worked his way under the deck to y/n. 

~*Wake up JJ*~

The pogues sped off missing the bullet that was shot by the one and only Rafe Cameron. Kie was holding JJ in her arms, JJ was unconscious and has bruises all over his body. "We need to get him to a hospital and tell the police everything" Kie cried to the others. "Okay but fast" John B said grabbing ahold of the wheel looking back incase Rafe was still standing there. There was a couple of minutes with just dead silence besides Kie's tears and JJ's struggle with breathing. "Well it looks like we lose.." Pope sighed as everyone looked at him with a blank glare. "Okay sorry" Pope rolled his eyes putting his hands up in surrender. After a long ride they finally arrived at 'obx' Mind you Rafe and his family were heading to the Bahamas again. "Pope, you and Kie will go to the hospital with JJ, me and Sarah will explain everything to the police." John B instructed while hooking up the boat to the dock. Kie sees a stranger and in panic she asked her if she could use her phone to call a ambulance for her friend. A few minutes passed as Kie and Pope heard the ambulance, in a rush they waved like maniacs alerting the ambulance driver that they called. "Over here!" Kie screamed still balling with tears. "Hurry get him on" the female driver spoke to the male passenger. "is there enough room for us to get in with him?" Pope asked hugging Kie into his chest. "Okay but hurry" The male said holding the door open for them. As soon as the male passenger got in the lady put her foot down. They asked questions to them relating what happened to JJ as they made their way towards the hospital. 

~*Authors note*~

Hi to the one viewer who is being amazing :) Stories almost over, Ill be writing another one soon.

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