~*Hot tub*~

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So last summer I was told that JJ had a big restitution fee he had to pay which was I think 25k? But instead of paying it he brought a hot tub.. I wasn't really surprised at his actions but he never said were he got the money from which made me suspicious. 

I couldn't stop thinking about the 'punishments' I was supposed to have that night when I met up with Rafe. I do think they were talking bout me having to sleep with them but I would 100% disagree, no way I am doing that..  "Hey y/n come in the cats ass with us JJ and John B are setting it up and Popes getting the beer!" I heard Kie yell from outside of JJ's room were I was getting changed into my swimsuit. "why is it called that?" I laugh while finishing off what I'm doing. (POV this is your swim suit)

"Okay I'm coming!!" I say as I have a towel wrapped around my body while walking out with Kie and Sarah who were also wearing their bathing suits

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"Okay I'm coming!!" I say as I have a towel wrapped around my body while walking out with Kie and Sarah who were also wearing their bathing suits. "God you girls take forever." John B scoffed causing everyone to laugh "Well maybe if you were a girl you would understand." I argue back with a laugh, "well dont just stand there get in!" JJ said pulling his glasses down as I take my towel off. "What?" I asked him with a smile. "I- uh nothing you just look really good" He said nervously, John B however just splashed him with water to shut up which made everyone laugh once again. 

"alright alright enough laughing" Sarah said trying to hold her laughter in. "Lets play some truth or dare" Sarah smirked at John B. "yup I'm down" everyone said with a small laugh at the end. Nothing was even funny we dont know why we're laughing but I guess we just couldn't help it. "Okay, Sarah Truth or dare?" Kie ask as she wiggled her eye brows. "Hmm Truth." Sarah said thinking about it for a second. "Alright then.. What is your true feelings about John B?" Kie said looking at John B with a smirk. Sarah just went red for a second wondering what to say. "Well I mean I do really like well love John B and we have been dating for a while now.. And I think hes great but not when both y/n and him get into sibling arguments." Sarah said which made everyone laugh but John B slightly blushed at her comment. "OoooOoo someone is blushing" I tease to John B. "shut up" He said angerly as he is embarrassed. "Y/n since your so talkative Truth or dare?" He said looking at me with a small grin. "Dare" I say with no hesitation. "Alright, I dare you to tell all of us who you have a crush on" John B says with a small chuckle. "JJ" I say with no hesitation once again and his eyes lightened up. "How about you JJ?" John B says even though he couldn't because he didn't get dared too. "Same, I like y/n" JJ says looking at me with a smile on his face. "awwww" Sarah and Kie said looking at us, as me and JJ locked eyes and smiled. He began to look from my eyes to my lips and I did the same thing. 

The next thing you know we're Kissing. "Hey no pogue on pogue macking!" Pope says making everyone laugh as we just sit there. "get a room love birds" Sarah carries on. "Oh shush Sarah I know you wish that was you and John B" I wink and her and give John B a smirk which made them go red. "Plus that rule is basically dead now, have you not seen our friend group?" Kie says which makes everyone break out into another laugh. Everyone was having a goodtime and we all just chilled and laughed drinking beer. I was enjoying myself with people I love and care about. I still couldn't be any more grateful, I'm soo glad I didn't start hanging out with those kooks. I could never see myself as one of them.

~*Whos that?*~

It was a quiet night when the laughter stopped, everyone sitting with their lover staring at the stars admiring the beauty being held above us. I suddenly break the silence "Wait guys.." I say listening in which made everyone's head turn towards me "I heard a car door." I say quite freaked out. "In the tree go" JJ says giving the girls a boost then climbing up himself. We waited for a few seconds when we finally see 2 dark figures emerge from the shadows of the side of 'The Chateau'. "Oh y/n, we just want to talk. Come on I know your here somewhere.." I hear Rafes voice. "Come on dont be scared. Just come out we want to talk." Josh says gripping his gun in his hand holding it up to shoot anything that moves. "Well shit, shes not in the house." Barry's says bursting through the porch doors. "shit.." Josh says looking at Rafe for instructions on what they should do. "FUCK!!" Rafe screams shooting the tree causing Barry to grab his arm and raising it up into the tree tops telling him to stop "Lets bounce bro lets bounce! Do you want to get caught!?" Barry slightly raising his voice at both Josh and Rafe telling them to leave now. "They were just here.." Josh whispers to himself. 

I felt tears fall from my face as we silently waited until it was clear enough to leave. We  got down from the tree and looked around to see if anyone was here still. JJ asked everyone if they were okay and if anyone got shot. Luckily no one did but a bullet did get skimmed across my arm causing it to slightly bleed but it wasn't anything deadly. "what do we do now? they aren't going to stop searching for me.." I say in fear. "dont worry we will keep you safe for as long as we can." JJ says kissing me passionately. "Lets just get some rest and talk about everything another time.." John B says as we head into the house. Pope Kie and Sarah went home and John B went straight to bed, apparently that wasn't the first time that incident happened with Rafe shooting up into the same tree and Barry saying for them to bounce.. coincidence? I think its weird though that they basically replayed a scene they did last summer.. But what did I have that they wanted? I mean in my opinion I'm just another pogue like Kie and Sarah so whats so special about me?

I dont think anyone realized that I had the scratch on my arm but I wasn't bothered. I got changed into one of JJ's shirts that I stole and hopped in bed waiting for him to get in with me. I could tell he was looking for his shirt as I started to giggle. "You better not hav-" JJ started as he pulled the blanket off of me causing a cold breeze through the bed. "Hey noo!!" I cried frowning at him waiting to see his reaction, all I can say is that his little frown he did back to me was adorable. "What am I going to wear then?" He says as he gets on top of me kissing my lips. "You look cuter in it anyways" JJ said winking at me. 

~*Authors note*~

I uh I dont know where this chapter is lol

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