~*Maybe last part?*~

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As soon as the pogues saw JJ on a stretcher there faces dropped. John B ran over to me leaving Sarah with Oakley and gave me a hug. "What happened?!" John B panicked as I hugged him tightly, the memory of JJ in my mind laying there as he bled in pain scared me. I could of stopped that from happening its all my fault.. I explained everything to John B and we headed to the hospital waiting in the waiting room for someone to talk to us. Oakley began to cry the longer we waited so I ended up leaving with John B and Sarah back to the chateau, to our surprise Pope and Kie heard what happened and had stayed home incase we were to come back which was fortunate because we did. I tried explaining everything I could as I was still breaking down from what I had seen. "All we can do is hope for the best.." Pope calmly says as he squeezes Kie's hand tightly. "I- I'm going to go to bed.." I say putting my head down as I walk to mine, JJ and Oakley's room. I lay down next to my baby and cuddle him passionately. 

"Hey y/n.. How you feeling?" I heard Kie say as she quietly opened my door. "I'm okay thank you, I think I just need some rest.." I say rubbing my eyes looking down at Oakley then smiling at Kie. "Okay Ill leave you to it." she smiles before leaving. The next morning I got a phone call from the hospital to come in today at some stage, I told John B and the others about it and we headed out. "I hope JJ's okay.." Kie says worriedly. I headed into the hospital first followed by the rest of the Pogues. 

"Excuse me are you Y/n Routledge?" One of the nurses asked politely. "Yes that's me I'm here to see JJ Maybank" I say with a small fake smile. "Okay right this way.." the nurse says as I follow her to JJ's room. As soon as I saw him I hugged him and kissed him tight. "I'm so sorry" I cried as I pull away holding one of his hands. "Its not your fault.. It is my job to keep you safe after all.." JJ smiled. "no its not" I smiled back kissing him on the cheek. "Someone wants to see you.." I say as John B and Sarah bring Oakley in. "We'll leave you guys to have a family talk" Sarah winked at me taking John B out of the room. "Hey buddy.." JJ softly spoke while Oakley put his small hand on his arm. "Hi dada" Oakley whispered giving him a hug. "Your so cute little dude" JJ said sitting up to hug him back. "Hey hey take it easy" I say helping him lay back down. "When do you think you'll be out?" I ask as Oakley plays with his bracelets. "I really dont know" JJ giggles as he looks at Oakley with a big grin. 

The nurse comes in after a while and tells us that JJ is stable enough to go and he just needs to stay away from physical activities. As soon as the nurse said that JJ looked at me and winked. I tried to stop myself from laughing but I couldn't. "Get a room" Pope rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "Well I hope you recover well" The nurse smiles as JJ thanks her. "Lets get you three home shall we?" Sarah ask smirking at me and JJ. We just casually smiled back as Oakley hugs JJ. "Easy little dude" JJ says repositioning Oakley onto his good arm. "I can carry him if you want?" I ask smiling at JJ. "Its okay babe" He smiled. Oakley then pokes his tongue out cheekily as I gasp in surprise leaving JJ in a laugh. We all get into the Twinkie and head home in no time. 

It is about 3 in the afternoon therefore it was still daylight. We all decided to go for a swim while Oakley stayed in my arms. Sarah offered to take Oakley from my arms to let me and JJ spend sometime together which is what we did. Me and JJ headed to the other side of the dock were the others weren't to be alone, after staring at each others lips we couldn't resist but to kiss eachother. We made out for a while until Oakley caught us, turns out Sarah put Oakley on the dock and told him to go on the other side but to be careful.  "Hi mama, Hi dada" Oakley waves as we  stop, "Hey buddy" JJ says letting go of me to get Oakley down. "Come here you" I say as we all get into a small tight hug. "I love you" JJ says kissing me on the cheek. "I love you too" I say smiling at him, Oakley almost fell asleep in our arms which was when we decided to go inside after the sunset. Oakley was peacefully sleeping in JJ's arms so I joined them in bed. "goodnight babe" I whisper smiling in the darkness of our bedroom. It was only 5pm and I wasn't too tired but JJ needed his rest so I stayed with him and Oakley. 

It was the next morning and I couldn't find Oakley and JJ anywhere. I checked the bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms but no one was home. "Hello?!" I shout hoping for an answer. "Hey Y/n" A familiar voice whispered. "no no no" I nervously spoke. That's when I felt warm arms wrap around me. "Its okay babe whats wrong?" JJ asked as I woke up. It must have been a dream, I'm glad it was. I stared at him blankly for a while before kissing him passionately.  "Its nothing baby" I whisper as we carry on our long kiss. that's when we felt little hands pushing our faces apart. In shock we looked down to see Oakley frowning as if we left him out. "dont eat my mummy's face dad" Oakley frowned as me and JJ looked at each other and laughed. "what funny?" Oakley asked as he frowned holding his bottom lip over his top one and crossing his little arms. "its nothing little buddy" JJ said kissing his cheek. I never knew JJ would be such a good dad, but I just admired there bond. I'm glad JJ is here for Oakley.. and me. 

~*4 years later*~

Oakley is now 6 years old and has started school, he doesn't know it yet but he has a little sister on the way. JJ and I had gotten pregnant this year and are almost due, the doctor told us about how we are having a girl and we jumped in excitement. We have a new house and car, we got the money from the Cameron's as Rafes charges are big and also Ward payed us to let them see Oakley even though I would of allowed it. There are some times were me and JJ will meet up with Rafe and keep his and Oakley's bond but Oakley doesn't call Rafe dad.. In fact he calls him 'pop' not sure why but atleast Oakley understands who his dad is. JJ and Oakley's bond has grown heaps since it being 4 years later but we are just glad to have each other. I am now a professional surfer with JJ and some day we plan to travel the world with Oakley but of course we wont be moving from obx. 

~*Authors note*~

Well I guess this is the last part of my book, I hope you enjoyed this but I'm starting more books as you read this lol, stay safe people who are dealing with Covid19. And know your not alone if your sad <3

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