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"So, Misa, how was your weekend with your mother?" The usual check in with Katie happened when we got to class.

"How do you think it was?"

"I don't know, I thought you and your mother were close."

"Yeah, when I was younger. Now it's awkward. She kept asking me how things are going with Ken and then telling me about her job and the company."

"Well, how is it?" She asked.

"I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. I was spacing out."

"You've been spacing out a lot more than normal. What's all going through that head of yours?"

"I'm not even sure anymore. I still can't believe I even asked Ken to do something this weekend."

"You did?" Her face was a lot more surprised than I thought.

"I didn't tell you that?"

"Uh, no you didn't."

"Oh, well, yeah, that somehow happened."

"You really must be out of it. Or you finally came to your senses about how you feel."

"Well I don't think it's that exactly. I don't know what made me ask it, I just did."

"It's a start I guess since you aren't trying to get out of it. Have you talked to him since?"

"No, he hasn't come back yet."

"Oh, well I guess you can talk to him now. He just walked in," Katie said gesturing to the door. Ken came in looking as well dressed and laid out as perfectly as he always does, but more so since he's coming straight from home. I'm pretty sure he owns every type of button up there is. Today's color was navy blue with some splashes of a black designs. His hair was styled up like it usually is, but it's gotten a little longer, so he ran his hand through it letting it fall to the side.

"Hey, Mimi, I've returned," he said coming to me, "Did you miss me?" He leaned on my desk as he grinned.

"You were gone for like, two days," I reminded him.

"I know, so long right? And just after you finally asked me out." He said sounding guilty for leaving.

"I told you that's not how I meant it."

"Aw, don't deny your true feelings. You were thinking about me, weren't you?"

"Nope, she was probably thinking about other people." Surprisingly I was a little shocked when I saw Jennifer show up.

"Ken, I don't see why you still put up with her after knowing her true wicked nature." I think she's finally breaking her silence and coming back to attack.

"I see no wickedness here. Plus, a wicked person wouldn't ask me on a date," Ken bragged.

"She did? Is that why you rejected Jenny on her date offer? Don't you think you'd have a better time with her than her?" She said eye gesturing to me. I noticed Katie, who didn't budge from her spot, getting agitated. I shook my head, telling her not to do anything because I know she would.

"I think I'll stick to my date with Mimi here. She's way more fun," Ken said.

"You know Jenny isn't going to like this."

"Sorry, I can't control her emotions," he said without a hint of remorse.

"Ken, what's gotten into you? You've changed," she said.

"I think I'm starting to like Ken more and more." Katie whispered to me.

"That's only because you don't like Jennifer either," I said.

My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now