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I don't think any amount of time could prepare me for this. The week flew by and in just a couple hours, I'll be out in the world alone with him. Not only that, after seeing Sano again, we agreed that I should wait until he starts practice again to come by so often. Just as I thought he wanted me around, he gets rid of me. He's really been out of it these days. Maybe he found out about my date with Ken. Or maybe he really wasn't interested. Either way, I won't be seeing him after school for a while, and I have to prepare to go out with Ken. I kept asking him where would we be going, but he only said it was a secret.

I woke to a quarter to one on this fated day after tossing and turning half of the night. He said to look nice and be ready at three, so I'll need more time to get ready. He's rich, so we could end up going anywhere for all I know.

Not to mention, this would be my first date.

How am I supposed to act? Do I act the girly type or just throw some jeans on and rough it? What if we went somewhere fancy? I'd just embarrass myself and Ken dressing like that. But this is Ken we're talking about. Why should I have to get all dolled up for him? I guess with his track record, it's better to try and look somewhat presentable.

"Misa, you ready?" I heard Ken's voice coming from downstairs as I was trying to finish straightening my hair. I grabbed my small purse and headed downstairs.

"Are you still not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"I told you it's a—— whoa" He stopped as he saw me.


"Nothing, you look nice," he said looking at me. I had on my favorite black skirt with my navy blue shirt that split on the sleeves.

"Well you said look nice. And with your background, you could be taking me anywhere."

"Right, when I said that I just meant look nice since it'll be a memory of our first date! But that'll do just fine as well." he said all smiles. I'll have to remind myself to kill him later for making me go through all this trouble. He didn't look to bad himself though. He had on a black plaid with a white shirt underneath along with some dark jeans and white shoes.

"Alright, off we go," Ken said as we headed out toward a black Mercedes that I didn't know was out here. I didn't think about exactly how we were going to get to where we were going. He opened my door to let me in. After closing it, he went around to the driver's side to get in.

"So is this your car? Since when can you drive?" I asked as bit nervous as he started up the engine getting ready to pull off.

"I got this car last year when I got my license after turning sixteen. You haven't gotten yours yet?"

"No. My parents haven't had the chance to teach me."

"I could teach you. It's not so hard once you start doing it."

"You haven't had your license that long. You can't go out teaching people how to drive."

"I taught my brother how to drive back when we were still like, thirteen," he said like it was completely normal to be driving around at the age of thirteen.

"You have a brother?"

"You really don't know about me, do you?"

"Okay then, since you think you know so much about me, tell me something about myself." I challenged him.

"Well, I know your full name is Misa Noir Macky," he said.

"Anybody can know that."

"And when you were younger, people use to call you M&M like the candy because of your initials." I gasped. That one took me by surprise. I stopped telling people my middle name to get rid of that name a long time ago. Leave it to my family to pick something like that.

My Choice (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now