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Not only was last night the most embarrassing night of my life, this morning is the most confusing one of my life. I don't know how, but I ended up failing asleep in the bathroom. The confusing part is I'm now waking up in my room. I was pretty sure I had locked the door. Did Ken get in and bring me to my room? Not only did I run away from him, I had to be broken out of the bathroom. I really can't show my face to him now.

"Oh no!" My confusion left as I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:45 a.m. There was no way I could make it to school on time. It's no surprise Ken didn't try to wake me up after last night.

I ran for class after getting ready. I was still ten minutes late, and Mr. Hallens wasn't happy.

"Miss Macky, your tardiness has been high recently, go wait for me in the hallway. I want to have a word with you." He said. There wasn't anything I could say to explain myself. Or rather want to explain.

"You too, Masidone. If you're having some lovers spat, do it when it doesn't concern my class!" I looked and saw Ken had been right behind me.

"No, Mr. Hallens, you got it wrong," I told him.

"Whatever the case may be, you need to get to my class on time, now go!" He put both Ken and I in the hall in total awkward silence.

I had no idea he was still home. I figured he was going to ignore me after I ran away from him. I watched the clock down the hall as the numbers didn't change. It felt like forever already standing out here with him waiting for Mr. Hallens to talk to us. Should I say something? What's the appropriate thing to say?

"I see you're late huh? Guys like you should learn to be on time," I tried to stay cool.

"I could say the same thing about girls like you," he said back to me. I just kept my head down not saying anything else.

When we got back into the classroom after Mr. Hallens gave us a "why its import to be on time" speech, all eyes were on us. Even Sano had been looking. Everyone has been so confused on what's going on between us after the mess that started when he first got here, so this'll still cause another hot topic at the lunch tables.

"Today is you last chance for questions. Speak now or forever hope you'll do fine tomorrow on your midterm," Mr. Hallens officially started class, "For some of you this can make or break you. Test and quizzes count for the biggest part of your overall grade. If you have a B average and do poorly tomorrow, it could knock you all the way down to a C or lower depending on your percentage. So I'll ask one more time, any last minute questions over the study guide before we move on?" A few hands went in the air. I spent most of my time studying my math last night. I spent little time on history even though this is my worst class. I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself, so I hoped someone had a question about the whole packet.

"So what was this morning?" There were no questions about the whole study guide, but Katie did question me about what happened.

"Absolutely nothing. I just overslept," I said.

"Ah, must have been because you were finishing that packet for our next class, right?"

"Uh, yeah." I said just agreeing.

"That doesn't sound too convincing."

"It is convincing. Ken even helped me with it."

"Really? He helped you when I left?"

"It was just a few problems I didn't understand, so he showed me how to do them." I explained to her.

"Is that why the both of you showed up late? Staying up studying all night? You prefer his help over mine?"

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