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My simple dreams of Sano and I walking through the park holding hands aren't real. But waking up and remembering that a strange rich kid moved into my house is. I don't know how I got in this but apparently, I'm in the Masidone's eyes for a marriage arrangement with their son.

I feel my mom is behind all of this since I know my dad wouldn't let a boy not only stay in our house but get close enough with me to possibly form a relationship. He doesn't even like the idea of me dating so I know my mom did something to get him on board with this. She must have found out about their son and this 'match making game' as he calls it and jumped on the band wagon.

I would've thought if I didn't agree or if I had someone else, they'd let me off the hook with this. But sadly, that isn't the case since he's still here. That won't stop me from trying to get rid of him though. I've already started the ignoring process. Giving him the cold shoulder long enough should have him rethink things. I don't have time for people who will insult others on the first meeting.

Surprisingly, I'm glad I have school today. Hard times calls for 'time to talk to Sano' plans to take place seeing as simply stating I like someone isn't enough to get Ken to leave. I could see the sun coming in through the cracks of my curtains letting me know it was just about time to get ready. I turned over in my bed and heard a voice oddly close to me ear.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Ken sang. He was there beside my bed, in my room. I nearly fell to the floor from shock.

"Ken!? What's your deal coming in my room like that?!" I asked.

"Well, your mother has been calling you for twenty minutes now. You're going to be late for school," he says, pointing to my clock. School starts at eight o'clock and it was seven thirty.

"Oh no! I overslept again!" I jumped out of bed and started getting my things together for a quick shower.

"Ohh, so you wear that to bed," Ken said looking at me, nodding in approval. I didn't know what he was talking about until I realized I was wearing just a shirt, and my underwear.

"G-get out you pervert!" I quickly tried to cover myself from his view with my covers.

"Alright, alright, I'll see you downstairs, pinky," he said leaving out. I made sure my door was closed really, really wishing I had that lock.

"Oh my gosh!" I said finally exhaling. He just saw me in my underwear! He hasn't even been here a full day and this already? I don't think I've ever been this embarrassed in my own house before.

I listened for him to go downstairs and made a mad dash for the bathroom. I didn't exactly have time to sit in embarrassment as I've been late twice this week already.

After I got dressed, I had no time to eat breakfast. I paid no attention to Ken and just kept going. He's already seen too much of me for one day anyway. I was running like mad to get to school on time. I approached the school, going straight in and headed for my class room, setting foot in the door just as the bell rang.

"Made it!" I say, finally able to breathe again. Luckily Mr. Hallens is hardly ever in his class early, so he didn't catch me this time. As I was catching my breath, I felt someone looking at me. I looked up and saw it was Katie. Once I got my breathing under control, I went over to her.

"This doesn't seem like a regular overslept face. Something happened?" She asked. Katie, my best friend, can tell everything about me even if it's a slight change in expression.

"It's a long story. I'll have to tell you later."

"All right, class, take your seats." The teacher finally came strolling in holding his morning cup of coffee he didn't seem to have had enough of yet.

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