[3] - Dealing With The Exes

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Probably writing another chapter after this one then stopping bc I'm getting to deep into writing this lmao I'm writing for today and I'll try to post this week or whenever I'm not busy :)

"Oh yes, Tommy informed me about that." Wilbur said with an unpleasant facial expression. "I'm glad he did." Quackity said back. "You guys hide to the side and I'll deal with it-" "Oh I don't think so princess, I will too. Tommy you hide over to the wall." Wilbur demanded. Quackity opened to the door to see both the boys stood there. Karl and Sapnap. "Why are you guys here again?" Quackity said corroding his arms. "We just want to apologize-" "oh Puppy, I see we have guests." Wilbur interrupted walking behind Quackity and wrapping his arms around the slightly shorter male and rested his head on his shoulder, which made both Wilbur and Quackity blush. Then Sapnap's facial expression changed from apologetic to angry, but Karl was just shocked. "Why's he here?" Sapnap asked. "Why? Am I not allowed to be happy? Huh?" Quackity said. "Well no but-" "but what?" Quackity interrupted. "Big Q, why is he here..?" Karl asked. "Simple, since you guys left me on my own and he just.. I don't know.. makes me feel good in ways you couldn't but when he died, I had nothing to fill that hole, but now he's back.. oh I will make sure he stays." Quackity said. Then he felt Wilbur's left arm snake around his left thigh. "A-and guess what? His dick is definitely bigger than yours." He said looking at Sapnap, trying to insult him as much as he could, but he definitely finally cracked. Sapnap had rage in his eyes. "Fine, have it your way. But we'll be back." Sapnap stomped downstairs. Karl just looked back up at Quackity. "I just want to say.. I'm sorry Big Q.. I never meant for this to happen. I wanted to leave you as you were but he drags me here over and over.. I'm glad to see your happy." He said with simpathy. Quackity got out of Wilbur's grasp and hugged Karl unexpectedly. "Thank you Karl. I'm always here if you need to escape him, okay?" He said. Karl nodded and ran downstairs to get to Sapnap. "Wow.. that was unexpected." Wilbur said watching Quackity close the door. "Next time don't reach for my dick when I'm defending myself, got it..?" Quackity said grabbing Wilbur's collar to pull his lower and closer to make eye contact. "Hm okay.. I won't do it ever again then." Wilbur said smirking. "That not what I!- nevermind." Quackity said flustered, Wilbur chuckled. "Well ima go visit Phil! Bye!" Tommy said cheerfully and quickly running out the door. "Well then." Said Wilbur as he walked up to Quackity, who was sat on his desk. "Where did we leave it off? Hm?" He continued as he got closer to Big Q's face. "I believe you owe me a kiss for saving your ass by being here." Wilbur said holding Quackity's chin. Quackity blushed and rolled his eyes. Wilbur spread Quackity's legs and walked in between them to get closer which he then pulled him very close and connected their lips together and interlocked tongues, making it into a make out session and felt a hand tug on his trench coat.


There was another knock. "Ugh for fuck sake." Quackity groaned in annoyance, pulling away. He jumped off the desk and walked over to the door, looked into the peep hole and saw Tommy and Tubbo. He groaned again and opened the door. "Since when did I say bring people over?!" Quackity said in annoyance and crossed his arms. "Since you let us in?" He said. "AND I thought you were visiting Phil?" Quackity said in confusion. "Changed my mind." He said. "Go play elsewhere you fucking babies! I'm doing some important business!" Quackity said threateningly. "OH I DIDNT KNOW MY BROTHER SCREWING YOU WAS 'IMPORTANT BUSINESS' !" Tommy said proudly and crossed his arms, Tubbo just stood there awkwardly and gulped. "Oh your gonna regret sticking your nose into my business you-" "alright Puppy, calm down." Wilbur said wrapping an arm around Quackity's whole waist, to pull him back, and layed his head on his shoulder. Quackity just sighed.

"Can you go? It's a private planning and I'm pretty sure you'd fucking freak if you found out what we were doing." Quackity said, Wilbur just smirked. "Ugh fine. We'll just hang with Ranboo." Tommy said dragging Tubbo with him, who was still in shock, left with him.

"Hey Tommy?" Tubbo said. "Yeah?" Tommy said back. "Why is Wilbur still alive? I thought he died?" He asked. "Well he did but I brought him back.." He replied. "WHAT? WHY?" Tubbo said. "But isn't worry! He isn't gonna do anything stupid, now that I know that him and Quackity were lovers." Tommy said with a fake throw up noise, making Tubbo laugh. "Plus Big Q's a good person, I'm sure he can change his ways, especially when I hear a bang when we we're going downstairs. I'm traumatised." Tommy said. "Just don't think about it." Tubbo said. " It's just.. Wilbur and Big Q? I would've never thought they would hook-up, or even get together for that matter." Tommy said at the thought. "Maybe Wilbur's bisexual!" Tubbo said. "Yeah maybe. Well I guess I'm happy for him. I mean its like if one of my wives left mee." Tommy said, fake crying to try and make Tubbo laugh, which worked. "Dude you're a virgin and have never had a fucking girlfriend so I doubt you'll get a wife." Tubbo said. "HEY YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Tommy said playfully smacking Tubbo's arm. "Well it's getting late so I think I should head back before my brother gets too concerned." Tubbo nodded to the statement. "Yeah, I've probably got to put Michael to bed now, well it was nice ot hang for a bit! BYE TOMMY!" Tubbo said hugging him "RANBOO COME AND SAY GOODBYE!" Tubbo shouted. Ranboo quickly ran out and shut the door then ran to the boys. He hugged Tommy, and to his surprise, he hugged back. "Bye Tommy!" He said as the blonde left to go back to Nevadas.

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