[7] - The Planning

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Make sure to read my recent announcement for an explanation on why I didn't upload, again so sorry <33

Tommy pulled his jacket (it looks like cannon Tubbo's jacket) closer to his chest and buttoned it up and kept making his way to Ranboo's and Tubbo's house. He saw the house in the distance just as he saw a pig like figure, on twos, running towards him and immediately knew who it was making him chuckle in joy. He knelt down and held his arms open for the pig to run and hug him. He saw Michael run into his arms and hug him with a excited oink. "Hey Michael." Tommy said wrapping his arms around the smaller.

Tommy then looked up to see one short male and a much taller person running at him. As soon as they reached him they both breathed heavily, trying to catch their breath. "Michael you can't do that again." Ranboo spoke. "Then I guess it was good that I was here." Tommy said, letting go off the pig and standing up. "Anyway what's up man? I thought you were with Wilbur." Tubbo questioned. "Yeah I was.. but I couldn't be bothered listening to their boring plan thing." Tommy accidentally spilled. He immediately slapped his hand on his mouth.

"His what?" Ranboo questioned. Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other in concern and both then looked back at Tommy. "Tommy.. is there something your not telling us?" Tubbo asked. Tommy removed his hand from his mouth and gulped. "N-no! Their planning something for Las Nevadas!" Tommy lied. He couldn't believe he just lied to his best friends, Tommy doesn't lie and the only time he had was when he was younger and broke Wilbur's guitar, he blamed it on Techno. "Are you sure? You know we're here for you and only want a good life. They're not gonna ruin it for everyone." Tubbo said placing his hand on Tommy's shoulder, Tommy just nodded in response.

"But I do have something to tell you. You might wanna take Michael inside first because it's for 'adults' " Tommy said with air quotes. "Ok then. Come on Michael, I'll make you some apple slices." Ranboo said smiling, holding his hand out for Michael to reach out for. Michael made a happy oink noise and held Ranboo's hand as they both made their way back to the house. "Okay, tell me." Tubbo said smiling. "I think they fucked whilst I slept." Tommy said making a face looking like he was gonna throw up, making Tubbo laugh.

"Ew." Tubbo said through his laughter. "I know right! And I specifically asked them not to!" Tommy said fake crying. "Ha alright." Tubbo said calming down after his fit of laughter, as did Tommy. "Alright, how long you staying?" Tubbo asked. "Dunno, but they're doing things and I'd rather not know what's going on." Tommy responded, shrugging his shoulders. "Well your welcome in!" Tubbo said. Tommy nodded as they both made their way inside.


Quackity pulled out a massive map of the whole place, almost all of the places.. Snow Chester, Las Nevadas, there current location, Kinoko Kingdom, The Pandora Vault, but that was all that was there. Everything was empty. "How come there's not other places?" Wilbur asked. "I've not gotten that far yet." Quackity said. "I've been exploring everywhere I could, but apparently not enough." He spoke again. "Hm, I could help." Wilbur said. Alex looked at him as a doubtful expression formed on his face. "What? How? Your literally banned from almost everywhere." Alex spoke. "Trust me, I know a few ideas on how to." Wilbur said back. "But why do you need to remember the places anyway?"

"Well if I need to learn about the new places, and if we're gonna blow some shit up to get our revenge, then we need learn what's where, don't we?" Quackity asked, Wilbur nodded in agreement. "Right, where first?" He asked once more. "I guess somewhere near Snow Chester since your allowed there, I'm sure we can find something there." Wilbur said, pointing, at the drawn map, some place labeled 'Snow Chester.' "good idea." Alex responded smiling. "Now, we need to let Tommy know and then get stuff ready and then we'll try to sneak you in to get past it." Alex said. "Fine, but you'll have to tell him, I'm not allowed in remember?" Wilbur responded, Alex groaned in annoyance. "Fine." He responded.

The both started packing food, water and the spare clothes that they had been wearing for the past two days. "Hang on, don't forget the map." Wilbur said. Alex quickly turned around to the desk, folded the map and gave it to Wilbur. "Why me?" Wilbur said, taking the nearly folded paper out of the others hand. "Because it'll be easier to reach if it's in your inside pocket." Quackity said. Wilbur just shrugged and placed it inside the pocket, as Alex mentioned to him. "Alright, let's go." Wilbur said, opening the office door as they both headed out.

They both made their way to Snow Chester, with each step sounding like a crunch but a satisfying noise to both boys. "Hey Wilbur?" Quackity said, breaking the silence. "Hm?" Wilbur hummed. "Is this a bad idea?" He asked, having second thoughts. "Well it's up to you, to be honest I would do it if someone betrayed me like that." Wilbur said, to give assurence, Alex sighed. "I guess your right." He spoke.

Eventually they reached the border, Alex then turned around to face Wilbur. "Right, wait here." Alex spoke as he walked infront of the front door. He knocked on it and felt a chilly feeling run down his spine from him being cold. The door opened and he was greeted by Ranboo. Ranboo turned from a smile into a confused face. "Well Quackity, I'm surprised to see you here." Ranboo chuckled, but Quackity's expression didn't change. He still had his arms crossed with a, quite, angry face, making Ranboo feel embarrassed. "What brings you here Q?" Ranboo spoke rubbing his neck. "Don't call me that." Quackity said with a tone of annoyance, which made Ranboo sweat just a tad. "I need to talk to Tommy." He spoke once again. "Oh, uh, he's just here. One second." Ranboo said.

After a few seconds Tommy came running to the door. "Hey Big Q!" He said happily. "Hey Tommy. Um there's some news that I need to let you know about." Quackity said. "What is it?" Tommy said as his happiness suddenly died down. "Well basically me and Wilbur are going to do some exploring and I think it's best if you stay here incase we get into trouble." He spoke. "O-oh.. why can't I come?" Tommy said with a tint of sadness in his tone. "because your brother wants you safe." Quackity spoke. "As long as your safe, he doesn't care." He said again, which kinda made Tommy feel a bit better. "O-Okay, I'll stay here." Tommy said with a weak smile. "Thank you Tommy." Quackity said, returning the smile. "I better be heading off, your brother's probably a bit upset I've left him hanging in the cold." Quackity smiled. "Alright, goodbye!" Tommy said smiling again. "Bye." Alex said before trotting down the stairs and walked to Wilbur.

"Ready?" Wilbur said, puffing out smoke before putting out his cigarette. "Yeah." Alex spoke with a soft smile. "Alright then. Let's go." Wilbur said walking past Snow Chester with Quackity by his side.

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