A/N: Future of this story

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Hey, it's been a while!

Just wanted to post this because it's been a long time since I've done...well, anything in this account that isn't replying to some comments sometimes.

I also wanted to say thank you to those of you who read this story, no matter when you started or if you left comments, votes or just read it..just thank you, for being here

I never thought I would get a story this far even if it's been a bit abandoned, which is something I will talk about now, I did say I was going to take a break because of personal reasons, it ended up being...far longer than what I expected

But in this time, I've been reading the comments you left even if I didn't actually reply to them, I've also re-read this thing a couple of times for no reason lmao

The point is, while I was gone from here I started thinking about how I started this story at 15 and I'm turning 18 next month, a lot of things have changed, like my English level (or at least I think that) and I think I have a bit more of experience with writing

Which made me think of something that I would like to do, but I'm not sure of when I will start it.

I'm planning on rewriting this whole book, from beginning to an end, but it will have a few changes listed here:

-Gender neutral pronouns for reader

-Fixing storyline things, dialogues..etc

-It will probably be a bit longer since I want to try and make it a better book

-I'll try to make art for the chapters if I have time and my skills aren't rusty

Now those are things that I have in mind, maybe I'll add more or not, depends of how it goes

Also, this original book won't be deleted, it'll stay here just in case anyone wants to keep reading it

I think that's all for now, stay safe out there! And again, thank you for coming this far on the story!

Hope to see you guys soon ^^

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