Chapter 25: Ancient Ruins -Part 1-

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(y/n)'s POV

It was getting late so after Proton and I sold the Slowpoke tails he accompanied me to Archer's office "what are we doing here?" I asked him confused "he forgot to give you a Card Key for your room" he said and opened the door "how many times did I tell you to knock before you enter Proton?" Archer asked obviously annoyed "you forgot to give her a Card Key for her room" the green haired male said pointing at me while ignoring Archer's question "did I? excuse me it must've slipped from my mind" he said and opened a drawer on his desk taking out a black card with a red R in the middle and some numbers under it, then he gave it to me "thank you executive Archer" I said and put it on my pocket "it's nothing, now go, I have a mission for you and your partner tomorrow" he said and I nodded walking out of his office and to my room, it was on the first floor ' N°175...' I thought looking for it and then I saw the number on a door, I passed the Card Key through a magnetic lock and it opened "woah" I said and went inside closing the door behind me.

Proton's POV

"Are you really going to send (y/n) with that stupid girl?" I asked Archer " *sigh* what did she do now?" he asked "we went to the Slowpoke Well to get some tails to sell at high prices, I told her and (y/n) to cut some of them" I said "so?" he asked raising an eyebrow "Amie didn't want to cut the damn thing! She said that it was wrong!" I said getting angry remembering what happened this morning "I'm sure (y/n) will teach her how to become a good Team Rocket member, just give her some time" he said to me "tsk, if she doesn't prove she can do something useful for this team I'm kicking her out" I said turning around and going to my own room.

                   The Next Morning•

2nd Person POV

You were sleeping peacefully when suddenly something jumped on top of you "aaah!" you exclaimed sitting up rapidly and send whatever woke you up to the ground "chu!" Raichu said and hopped again on the bed "don't do that again...I almost had a heart attack" you told the electric pokemon, he tilted his head a bit and smiled "rai?" he asked and you chuckled "come on, let's prepare for the day" you said and got out of bed.

You took a quick shower and put on your uniform, then left the room and went to search for Amie 'where could she be...' you thought while walking through the halls when you saw her "there she is" you muttered and walked up to her "hey Amie" you told her and she turned around to look at you "oh, hi (y/n)" she said and smiled a little "were you going to the cafeteria?" she asked "actually I was just searching for you...but eating something would be great" you told her and then she guided you to the cafeteria so both of you could have breakfast together.

After finishing you went to Archer's office "enter" he said after you knocked on his door "perfect, I was expecting you two" Archer said "what mission was assigned to us sir?" Amie asked "I need you to go to the Ruins of Alph, there is very important information about a legendary pokemon in those caves" the teal haired male said "is that all?" Amie asked a bit relieved that this mission didn't require hurting any pokemon, the executive thought for a second "the information we need is written in a complicated code made out of Unown and their shapes...I'd also like for you to investigate it and decode it for future projects" Archer said and you nodded, after that you left the office with Amie.

                       •Ruins of Alph

When both of you arrived to the strange ruins you saw an old man sitting on a bench in front of a cave, you assumed that was where Archer had sent you and went inside of the cave with Amie.

The only light there was on the cave was from the torches it had on the walls "we should start looking around, this place is huge" you said and the blue eyed girl nodded, she looked at different walls trying to find anything that has to do with the strange pokemon until she found an odd looking puzzle "huh? (Y/n) I think I found something!" she called and you went to her side "hm, this could mean something" you said and touched one of the pieces 'it looks like they can move' you thought and moved them around completing the puzzle after forming the shape of a Kabuto, the ground shook under both of you "w-what?!" Amie said and then the floor opened making both of you fall down.


You sat on the ground after the fall and looked at Amie "hey...are you ok?" you asked and she nodded "yes...I wasn't expecting that" she said looking up to see a hole where you were standing before "how are we supposed to get out now?" Amie asked and you looked around "maybe there's another exit around, we can try to find it while looking for the information we need" you said and she nodded getting up.

After exploring for a while you found some strange looking letters in walls and took pictures of them "I should be able to decode this..." you muttered, Amie was looking for an exit while you read the words ' kinda looks like an alphabet' you thought while you looked at the letters formed by the Unown, but now you could understand them a bit better.

'That's an A...and then an R...' you thought and wrote it on a small notebook you brought, after 10 minutes you could make out the words: Arceus the Pokemon God.


This chapter will have a second part.

Thanks for the +3K reads!

By the way this is my new profile picture:

•By the way this is my new profile picture:

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I drew it myself, bye!

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