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Jay is the popular boy at school and Jungwon is the bad boy and outcast how will they cross paths?

Story starts here

Said boy wiggles a bit on his bed before sleeping again. Ni-ki, Jay's older brother was waking Jay up for school.
"Yah! Park Jongseong! Wake up before I get Dad"
"Let me sleep pleaseeeee" Jay pushed Niki off of him as he woke himself up
"No you have school in 20 minutes. Get up or I'm not driving you there"
Jay woke up and brushed his teeth and got dressed in a pastel blue oversized sweater that went to his mid-thigh and a pink skirt.(yes he is cross dressing cause why not)
Jay put his hair into a half up half down hairstyle with two strands out in the front (think of hyunjins iconic hairstyle)

"Good morning dad" Jay said as he walked up to his father and kissed him on the cheek.
"Morning honey,did you sleep well?"
Jay used to have nightmares every night and would cuddle his parents when he woke up.
"Yeah dad I'm okay" Jay and Niki's other dad walked in and hugged jay quietly.
"Hanbinieeeee" "K sweetie come here"
K walked over to Hanbin and hugged him. Now you're probably wondering how Niki and Jay were born if they have two dads. Well sadly when Niki was 7 and Jay was 4 their mother had kicked K and them out of the house but Hanbin saw them and let them live with him and then K and Hanbin fell in love and Hanbin became their mother figure and adopted them.

"Jay sweetie don't forget to take your medication and inhaler with you"K had said this worrying for his youngest while he held out his pills
"Don't worry dad I can hold it for him" Niki had said as he took the pills from his dad
"Hyungie I can hold it please" Jay was whining
"No jayjay you are clumsy and would forget so I'll give this to our cousin Jake when we get to school"
"Hyungie who is Jake?" "You'll meet him later okay? Also fix your skirt please I don't want anyone snatching up my little brother"
Jay pulled his skirt down a bit as he sulked
"But Niki Hyungie you are wearing a crop top and a skirt!" "So?" "Dad this isn't fair!"
"Kids your father is stressed so please don't fight right now" Hanbin said as he held K in his lap and was comforting him.
"Sorry appa" The two boys said and walked to the front door to put on their shoes
"BYE APPA AND DAD" Jay yelled before leaving
"BYE SWEETIE LOVE YOU" K had said to his sons
Niki started driving while Jay was looking out the window.
"Hyungie" "hm?" "Do you ever think our life will be normal again" Niki looked at his little brother at the stop light and squeezed his hand
"Maybe one day but until then at least we have each other" they smiled to each other and then they arrived at school.

Jay's POV

I looked at this school and sighed "Hyungie do we really have to go in?" "Sorry jayjay but I can walk you to your class just after I give this to Jake hyung" "Okay but I'm gonna find sunghoon first" I walked away to go look for Sunghoon but I wasn't looking and I bumped into someone.

"Hey! Wat- jay?" "Seungie hyung? You changed schools?" I looked like a surprised pikachu seeing my childhood best friend in front of me after 7 years. (Note~jay is the youngest of the group) "Yeah I wanted to surprise you" I jumped onto Heeseung and was twirled around and set down.
"You missed so much and you gotta meet my friends pleaseeeeee" Heeseung chuckled and agreed and was pulled by an excited little kitten.

A boy was sitting on the window seal with ear buds in while drawing something. Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder "Oh hi seongie and OH MY GOD HEESEUNG" "hehe hi hoonie" Heeseung got tackled to the ground by Sunghoon and then I joined in the cuddle on the floor too.
" Anyways I have to go meet my cousin and my brother so I'll catch up with you guys at lunch okie" I said while I got out of the hug and started to walk out to find my hyung.
"Okie bye Seongie!!" Heeseung and Sunghoon said as they waved.

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