The Skirt-Sunki

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Hey guys this one is gonna be short this time cause I'm not feeling that well but I will get working on stories and such soon I might start a heejaywon story but anyways
Story starts here

A troubled teen said as he was going through his closet
"Sweetie they are in the laundry you can wear one of my skirts though if you want"
The little boy was thinking about it
"Okay mom but only this once!"Riki put on a white t-shirt and tucked it into the pastel yellow skirt that was given to him by his mom

Riki had an older brother named jay but his brother acted like a child so innocent,and cute he was also shorter than Riki so Riki protected him like he was the little brother.
"BYE MOM" "BYE MOMMY" The brothers had said before Riki helped Jay into the passengers seat and he walked around to the drivers side.

"Jayjay remember to stay with your friends and not wonder off okay?And if you need help ask them or me or my friends okay?" Riki was holding his brothers hand worrying for him.
"Okie Kiki!" Jay said while hugging his brother then Riki sent him off to his first class.
"Bye jayjay!" Bye Kiki!"

Riki then walked away to find his first class but he suddenly got pushed into the lockers.
"Hey slut! How much to get in your pants!" The football team captain K (I'm sorry y'all it was the only name I could think of) Had pushed Riki into the lockers and tried to put his hand up Riki's skirt

"YAH IM GONNA GET THE PRINCIPLE IF YOU GUYS DONT SCRAM" A voice off into the distance had said which made the captain and his teammates bolt off to their next class

"Are you okay there ma'am?" A soft voice was suddenly next to Riki but Riki had his head down so he couldn't see who it was.
"Miss?" The boy lifted Riki's head up and was in awh by his perfect looks. "Oh I'm sorry! I kinda thought you were a girl" The boy looked down blushing out of embarrassment while Riki looked at him slightly blushing too.

"M-my name is Sunoo, Kim Sunoo" "Nice to meet you Sunoo I'm Nishimura Riki but you can call me Riki" They both smiled at each other.

"Do those boys trouble you a lot?" Asked Sunoo as he was ready to kill those boys for even looking at Riki.
"They used to bother me alot because I used to wear lots of girl clothes but I had stopped for a while but I guess they never will stop harassing me." Riki said with his eyes watering up.

"Hey it's okay I'll protect you okay they won't hurt you with me around and you should wear skirts more you look cute in them" Riki was a tomato at this point. "T-thank you Sunoo" Said boy giggled "You're welcome puma" Sunoo walked away leaving a red Riki standing at the lockers.

Lunch Time
"KIKIIII" Riki looked up and saw his older brother giggling while running towards him.
"Hi Kiki!" "Hi jayjay did you have fun today?"
Jay nodded at Riki pulled him to his lap so he could fix his brothers hair.
"I accidentally ran into two boys and they called me cute and jayjay was blushing soooo much!" Riki saw the excitement on his brothers face and smiled seeing his brother happy.

"I don't know their names but I think they said they know you but I don't remember well" jay pouted then leaned into Riki hugging him.

"That's okay jayjay maybe when my friends come ov-" "HEY RIKI!" A tall cat boy and a tall Bambi boy walked over to the table.
"Hey jungwon and Heeseung" Jay looked down blushing while the two boys smirked.
"Oh is this your little brother Riki?" Jungwon asked while glancing at Jay
"Oh no this is my hyung but he likes to be babied and such" the two boys looked at Riki shocked.
"H-he's older?" "Yeah why?" Jay squirmed in his lap and whined while hugging Riki more.

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