Hiatus~OT7 PT.2

781 12 22

Hi- it's been a while huh- (take this pic of me as forgiveness)

Story starts here

Jongseong moved around in the bed only to realize that he was trapped by two teenage bodies.

He moved around a lot to get out but a groan from Riki stopped his movement.

"Hyungie go back to sleep." The tall yet small boy said while pulling Jongseong back to bed.

"No ki, you guys have to wake up right now." The oldest scolded as the other two whined in response.

It was silent for a minute before Jongseong decided to lay back down.
"Just five more minutes alright." Riki smirked at this before cuddling closer to both his hyungs.

Those 5 minutes turned into 10 then 20 then a whole hour passed.

A firm yet soft knock on the door was heard.

"Oh mama bird and baby birds~" The older lady sung while waltzing into the room.

"It's time to get up sweet peas." Sooyoung said as she slowly pulled the covers back and shook them a little to get them to wake up.

Jongseong stirred a little before slowly blinking a little.

The brother and sister made eye contact for five seconds before he closed his eyes again.

"Are we even really busy today noona?" Jongseong said as he rubbed his eyes.The Older lady cooed at her littler brothers cuteness.

"Aegi we have to start planning everything for the next few months so we can be organized." She said softly as the other two youngest were slightly stirring awake.

"But Noonaaa~" Jongseong whined while trying to pull the covers back up.

"Seong, if you don't get up now," Sooyoung paused in thought.

"I won't make your favorite chocolate chip waffles." As soon as she said this he sprung up out of bed and shook Sunoo and Riki.

"SUN,KI WAKE UP I NEED MY WAFFLES!!" The mad man yelled with the excitement of a 4 year old.

Riki woke up from the shouting and loooked around with confusion before dragging himself and Sunoo out of the bed.

"Hyung come on, let's go brush our teeth." The tall boy said while dragging his sleepy hyung to the bathroom.

"Nooooo~" Sunoo whined while reaching for a toothbrush as Riki pushes toothpaste out onto his toothbrush and then onto Sunoo's.

~Time Skip~

The three youngest walk downstairs to see the chaos of 6 people attempting to move furniture around to make space for a big enough breakfast table.

"What...the..?" Jongseong said in a state of confusion at the scene unfolding in front of him.

Jimin, Chanyeol, Hyungsik and Sandara were lifting the table that held their precious breakfast over to the spacious living room. Chaeyoung was helping Jihyo bring 9 chairs over to the table while also pushing the couches back a bit.

Jimin slipped a little and almost dropped his side of the table before Riki and Sunoo rushed in to help.

"Thank you guys just carry it a little bit more then-" They all carefully placed it onto the carpet in the living room as Jongseong walked into the kitchen to check up on Sooyoung.

"Noona~" The younger said in a tone so sweet that it could give you cavities. Said Noona turned around with a spatula in hand that was practically dripping with butter and chocolate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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