The Twin-Heejakehoon

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Sorry this is out late but this is a one shot requested by one of my followers (sorry I can't remember who at the moment.)

This one will be a short one but there will be more one shots coming on the way.

Story starts here

"SIM JAEYUN WAKE YOUR ASS UP" Jake had yelled at his twin brother who was in a deep sleep.

"Can't you just go to school today?" Jaeyun asked before rolling over.

"Hey are you okay yunie?" Jake saw that his brothers face was redder than usual.

"I feel like shit but I'll get over it I guess."

"I'll go to school for your homework but I promise to come back after 3rd mod."Jake hurried to get his stuff and walked out the door.

After an hour

Jaeyun was bored and decided to call his twin brothers best friends.

"Hello?" A soft and quiet voice answered.

"Seongie is that you?" Jaeyun asked.

"Y-yeah it's me,Sunny is trapping me in his lap right now." Jongseong said with a squeak in his voice.

"Well I wanted to tell Sunoo this be can you pass the message? I need you both to trap that stupid love triangle in a room together so they can g-*cough* get their shit together." Jaeyun explained before blowing his nose.

"Yunie are you sick?" Sunoo asked after he told Jongseong to put the phone on speaker.

"Yeah a bit but that doesn't matter right now just trap that fucking mess of a relationship in a room alone before third period because that's when Jake will come back home with my work." Jaeyun said in a hurry.

"Okay consider the job done." Sunoo said before they ended the call.

In some weird ass hallway

"Um is anyone there?" Heeseung said as he had heard a screech sound from one of the classrooms.

He turned around and was hit in the head with a history book.

"SONGIE!" Jongseong flinched with teary eyes.

"Oh sorry honey,just don't hit him that hard okay? That might cause a serious injury." Sunoo explained before hugging the smaller.

"I-it's okay but can we drag him and tie him up in the room now? His body is probably the heaviest." Jongseong said while getting head pats.

After a struggle to not drop three body's the couple successfully tied them all up

"Now all we have to do is put this alarm on and leave." Jongseong said before placing his phone down and he and Sunoo walked out and locked the door.

After ten minutes the alarm rang through all threes ears

"Fuck-my head" Sunghoon groaned before trying to move his arms only to realize that he couldn't move them.

"W-why are we tied to each other?" Jake said while trying to move from the chair.

"All I remember is turning around only to get knocked out." Heeseung said which made the other two agree.

"Hey guys! We trapped you in here to get your shit together!-" They hear Jongseong on the phone.

"W-wait what-" Jake said before the phone cut.

"Okay so um why are we trapped here?" Heeseung asked.

"Cause we all have feelings for eachother dumbass." Sunghoon said.

"Sooo what do you guys want to do?" Jake asked.

"Well we could be in a poly relationship ya know date each other." Heeseung said while turning his head to smirk.

"I-I guess that would work?" Jake said while blushing.

"Wow I have two pretty boyfriends now." Sunghoon said before giggling.

"Now that that's sorted,how the fuck are we getting out of here?" Heeseung asked.

"Let's try calling Seongie." Sunghoon said.

While the couple yelled the sunjay couple was outside of the room cuddling while blasting music into their shared ear buds so everyone was there for a while.

Sometimes people need pushes to get to where they are,sometimes that push may be from a sick person or friends and just a natural force.

Like that push happen,and let it guide you.

Happy new year!! I'm sorry this is short but I hope to give you guys more updates next year!!

For now I'll see you next time

Love you all❤️❤️

(P.S. I dyed my hair)

 I dyed my hair)

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Word count:711

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