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This was a request from @moa-army-engene

Hope you enjoy!

Story starts here

Was all Niki saw when he looked in the mirror.

"Niki when are you gonna stand up to him hm?" Jay said as he cleaned up his little brothers wounds.

"You can't just wait until he changes into a good person honey." Jay said while putting Niki's shirt back on him.

"But you said there is always good in a person." Niki tried to retort.

"Yeah well Sunoo is Satan." Jay said while pulling the younger to his bed to sit down.

"Look if you manage to find good in him then that's great but I don't wanna spend the rest of my sophomore year cleaning up my little brothers wounds." Jay said while hugging Niki.

Jay walked out of the room to go cook dinner while Niki stared at the wall lost in thought.

Next morning

"I don't want to see any bruises on my son from falling when I come back home okay?" Jake said to Niki with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Dad I know,I can't guarantee but I'll try." Niki said while kicking Jay under the table.

"Sorry Dad but we gotta go so-love you" Jay said while shoving some food into his mouth and then getting his keys while Niki grabbed his book bag and put his shoes on.

"Have a good day boys." Heeseung said while sitting in a hammock on the porch.

The boys waved back at him before walking to the car and starting their journey to the hell hole called school.

At the entrance

"Do you think Sunoo really is a good person?" Jay asks while they slowly walk past the gates of the school.

"Well I think there's good in everyone,just some have more good than others." Niki answers wisely.

Jay glances at Niki's neck for a second and looks at the fox and puma mark on his skin.

"Have you found your soulmate yet? That mark you have is pretty rare to see." Jay asked Niki curiously.

Niki's mark was a fox and a puma but instead of it being just a normal mark,the puma's fur was a rainbow.

"Nope,when am I gonna meet yours?" Niki smirked when Jay blushed a bit.

"Maybe in a few weeks." Jay said while looking down.

"HEY NERDY BOY COME HERE" They heard a yell from down the hallway which came from the one and only,Kim Sunoo.

"Well that's my que to go hide in a locker somewhere." Niki jokingly said before running down the hallway into a hiding spot.

Jay sighed before walking to the nurse's office to go get some more first aid kits.

"Need one or two?" The nurse asked referring to kits.

"The usual but maybe more band aids,Sunoo's really mad today."Jay said with a shiver.

Scene skip

Niki threw himself into some random locker and sat there for a while before looking around the locker.

As Niki looked around the locker,he saw a picture of a little boy holding a cake and a woman behind him pointing to his soulmate tattoo on his neck.

"Wait a minute...is tha-" Niki's thoughts were cut off when the locker was opened and he got dragged out by his arms.

"Found him!" Yelled Park Sunghoon while holding Niki like he was a trophy.

"Oh good,we still have some time before going to class." Sunoo said while cracking his knuckles before landing a hit on Niki.

Niki just took every punch to his stomach even though he was bleeding through his mouth. His eyesight had gone out and his hearing was slowly fading.

"Some...one...help." Niki tried to whisper before he was fully out.

At this moment Jay had turned the corner and saw Sunoo holding a knife.

"HEY!" Jay ran and jumped on top of Sunoo and started punch his face. Sunghoon let go of Niki and started to try and pull Jay away from Sunoo.

"HEY! All of you to my office. NOW!" The principal,Lee Hyori yelled through the hallway.

Jay let go of Sunoo and went to Niki and picked him up. Sunghoon stared at the man as he was walking to the principal but snapped out of it and helped Sunoo.

"Explain to me exactly why you were beating up Sunoo." Ms.Lee said strictly.

"He was about to pull a knife out on my brother! I was simply saving my brother from dying." Jay said while glaring at Sunoo.

"Mr.Kim is this true?" The principal asked while glancing over at Niki who had way too many wounds on him .

"Y-yes Ms.Lee" Sunoo looked down in shame.

"Both you and Mr.Park are suspended for 4 weeks. Now let me talk to these siblings alone." Ms.Lee said sternly and glared at the two bullies which caused them to feel the room hurriedly.

The room was silent for a few minutes to assure that the two had actually left before Ms.Lee spoke again.

"How many times is this gonna happen Jay? I'm gonna have to tell my brother if this gets any worse." She expressed with worry.

"I know Auntie but Niki told me not to let anyone know and I'm trying to keep that promise." Jay said with sad eyes.

"Fine,take him to the nurse though to patch up his wounds." Jay nodded at this and put Niki on his back. And walked out of the room.

Luckily the nurses office wasn't too far away from his Auntie's office.

"Can you treat him? I have a phone call to make." The nurse nodded and took the beat boy from Jay and then closed the door.

"Come out Sunghoon I know you're there." Jay said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry okay,I didn't think he would go that far." Sunghoon said frantically.

"You guys shouldn't have been beating him up at all in the first place. I'm ashamed to call you my soulmate and just until Jungwon hears about this." Jay said while raising his voice in anger.

"Just leave us alone for a while and maybe I'll think about forgiving you." And with that Jay walks away leaving Sunghoon standing there.

Time Skip

"Why didn't you guys ever tell us that this was happening?" Jake asked with worry.

"Or the fact that it was this bad." Heeseung added on.

"I didn't want anyone to find out cause it's kinda embarrassing that I can't defend my self." Niki said with his head in his hands.

"Baby,you should've said something to us though,you're not going to school for a while okay? I need to make sure that you heal correctly ." Jake said while hugging Niki.

"Okay but I have something to tell you all"...

HI uhm author here lol yeah so my life has gone to shit pretty much. But I graduated from the 8th grade this year and left my dance studio!!! I'm happy about that and I'm getting my hair cut soon!!!

In sad news,my grandpa died yesterday and so I'm dealing with that and I'm still struggling with the whole parents divorcing shit but it's fine totally fine.

I'm also struggling with ADHD and DID right now which is very uhm confusing I guess you could say but I'm still alive so🤪.

But if you guys ever need like help with stuff you can ask me because I'm basically like a therapist to everyone cause I understand everything- but you guys are my children so❤️❤️❤️

But I'll give this a part 2 of course and sorry for making y'all wait so long but I am also posting on AO3 now with the name stantheuntamedgay so you can read my stories over there too.

But that's all for today!!Byeeeee

Word count: 1304

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