Teddy Bear-Jayhoon

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It's been a while since I have posted in this book so at the request of my Aegi,here is a Jayhoon oneshot.


Story starts here

"Jay I swear to god if you don't get your ass in this fucking car right now."Sunoo said with a pissed look.

Jay looked up at Sunoo and pouted and shook his head.

"Why don't you want to go to school Jay?" Sunoo asked staring at the shorter who was fidgeting with his dress.

"Well there is this stupid guy who won't leave me alone and I'm fucking sick of it!" The shorter says before quieting down after receiving a glare from the taller.

"I don't care if you and Sunghoon are rivals or whatever you guys are but what I care about right now is you getting your ass in this car." Sunoo said while holding him self back from almost hurting the shorter.

After 5 mins of silence

"Look Jay if he bothers you today I'll do something about it okay? Now come on we're gonna be late." Said the taller while giving Jay a hug.

They both got in the car and then drove off.

At school

As they drove into the parking lot Jay fixed his headband and his dress.

"Are you ready to go?" Sunoo asked. Jay nodded while taking a deep breath.

"Okay let's go." Sunoo said giving a smile to Jay which he got one in return.

As they walked up to the doors they looked at each other and then opened the door.

"AYE PARK STILL TRYING TO BE A GIRL!" The person Jay hated the most was of course the one who spotted him.

"Shut up Sunghoon I'm not in the mood right now." Jay said while looking down.

"Oh come on park have you finally decided to accept defeat?" Sunghoon said while smirking.

"Defeat? Since when and definitely not from you." Jay said making Sunghoon's face fall.

"Do me a favor and walk away if you know what's good for you." Jay whispered in Sunghoon's ear. Then Sunoo pulled him away to his locker.

"Didn't you and Sunghoon used to be friends? What happened?" Sunoo asked curious.

"We grow up and people change I guess." Jay said as he opened his locker to a picture of himself holding a teddy bear and Sunghoon hugging him with a smile.

"But you guys were inseparable! You did everything together! How did you even leave all that friend ship behind." Sunoo said while being extremely confused how in just one day an entire 15 year friend ship was ruined?

"Just leave it okay? Maybe one day we'll be friends again but until then we are enemies." Jay said while Sunoo was thinking of something that made him smirk.

"Well I should get class now so I'll see you at lunch Sun." Jay waved before walking away.


"HEY SUNGHOON COME HERE!" Sunoo was waving over the tall figure off the track field.

"What do you want midget?" Sunghoon said which definitely offended Sunoo.

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