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Hey guys I'm currently working on request but I wanted to give you guys a one shot for now before I release the requested one shots.

Disclaimer: There will be a smut but it will only be with the hyung line and Jay will be the bottom so if you are not comfortable with that please click off now and you are free to read any of my other works! You have been warned

Story Starts Here

"Hyungie?" A voice sounded far away from the American sitting on the ground.
"Yes sweetie?" Jay said looking up to see Niki walking up to him.
"Hyungie I don't feel well." Niki exclaimed while hugging his stomach and groaning in pain.
"Awh it's okay honey,you can lay in my bed if you want."

"Okie Hyungie,I'm gonna lay down now,good night." The younger said while slowly walking to the room.

The American was sitting on the couch for twenty minutes and got bored and decided to sleep in Jakes room

Knock knock

"Come in!" Jake yelled from the other side

Jay walked in with a pink face.

"H-hi." The man stuttered after seeing all of the older members sitting on Jake's bed staring at him like he was a meal.

"W-what were you guys doing?" Jay asked with a small voice after slowly walking to the bed.

"We were talking about the roles of the family that we think would fit enhypen members." Heeseung said while looking back down at his phone.

"Oh that sounds fun,who is who?" Jay says after seeing a confusing family tree that seemed like some type of incest was gonna go on with the way they connected everyone.

"Well Heeseung is the Dad. You are the mom. Me and Sunghoon are the Uncles. Niki is your child and Jungwon and Sunoo are Niki's boyfriends." Jake said.

Jay had a puzzled look on his face.
"W-wait why am I the mom? I could've just been the dad or something." Jay protested.

"Ya know I have dance practice with Sunghoon,right? Cmon let's go." Jake dragged Sunghoon out the room with him as he saw Heeseung's eyes darken on Jay.

"W-why did they leave?" Jay said turning to the door.

"Don't worry about it baby boy." This statement made Jay weak in the knees so he was happy that he sat down first.

"Hyungie." Jay earned a "Hm" from the older.

"Why am I the mom?"

"Well it's simple,you cook for us,scold,nag,and even take care and comfort us."

"B-but a dad could do that too."Jay tried to say.

"Sure but a Dad wouldn't be extremely submissive to his elder would he?" Heeseung said raising an eyebrow as he hovered over Jay.

"I-I'm not submissive Hyungie." Jay said but let out a whine as Heeseung kneed his dick.

"Strip your clothes now."

The smaller got up and slowly took off his clothes and layed face down on the bed.

"I'm gonna put something in you now and if you take it out before tomorrow night,I'll punish you. Is that clear?" Heeseung said earning a small nod and a whimper from Jay.

For a few minutes Jay just layed there while Heeseung searched for something in one of the drawers.

When Heeseung came back over to Jay he licked the object before inserting it into Jay's hole.

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