Dare day 5

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Blake: Come on I'm not making another one all by myself it took forever!

Rosh: but sleep?

Blake:Get up its 2 in the afternoon

Rosh: Finnnnnnnnnne

10 mins later


Boscha: Your the one who oversleep

Rosh: Shut the fuck up

Boscha: Whatever

Rosh: ok first dare is for Luz

Rosh hands Luz the dare

Rosh hands Luz the dare

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Luz: Ok!

Luz kneeling before Amity: Fir though my goddess what you desire say it and I shall obey.

Amity blushing: Ah Luz I just want some cuddles

Luz: Then I shall make sure it is done my lady

Luz then picks up Amity and flops them both on the couch to cuddle for the rest of the day.

Ok so I was ganna do this but then remembered I can't because me and my moms phones are connected so shed get the screenshots and I don't wanna explain that to her

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Ok so I was ganna do this but then remembered I can't because me and my moms phones are connected so shed get the screenshots and I don't wanna explain that to her.

Ok so I was ganna do this but then remembered I can't because me and my moms phones are connected so shed get the screenshots and I don't wanna explain that to her

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Gus is 12-

Ok so enjoy this short ch and pls comment more dares and thx to @Avthen @Bullish16 and @MOchirolltea for the dares even if I couldn't do them all

The owl house truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now