Chapter 26: Road Trip Special Class.

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Selina watched as Jason and Damian ran out into the night.

She was now alone with the clown, who resignedly sat down on the floor. Of course, he quickly got bored and as if it was the most normal thing in the world, he finally started to talk:

"Since we have to wait the next ten minutes anyway my dear, could you do an old friend a favor? I'm bleeding out like a pig, unfortunately, and would prefer a more glorious death than bleeding to death miserably."

Selina briefly weighed whether this could be a trap, however, it did not appear to be:

"Do you have a first aid kit?"

Joker nodded his head toward an old tin locker on a cracked wall at the side of the great hall.

The cat got the small box from the rusty cabinet and then squatted with it in front of the clown's shoulder. With a quick wave of her claws, she cut the cloth open generously and Joker acknowledged this with acted sadness:

"What a pity. I always liked this shirt a lot."

Carefully, Selina removed the blood from around the gaping wound and then asked:

"Do you want it stitched up right away or just a pressure bandage? Suturing will be painful since I don't have any anesthetic."

Joker gave her a slightly pained smile:

"Well, seeing your angry eyes like that, I'll go with suturing. You may torture me all you want, my dear."

The cat put the needle in place and Joker took the first stitch with a slight hiss. Finally, to make the time a little more interesting, he started talking again:

" and Batsy all Lovely Dovley. How did that happen? I always thought you weren't much of a steady relationship kind of girl. Sure you guys used to play banana in the clam, but I'm not aware that you were ever really serious."

Cat just raised a brow and looked at Joker skeptically for a moment:

"Charming paraphrase. However, the answer to that is pretty simple. I've always loved him, and I just think about how I want my future to be. Jumping around on rooftops at night in costume is not something you can do for the rest of your life. Sure, it's fun, but I'm kind of starting to want my permanent place in life."

The clown wrinkled his nose in disgust:

"And there you are going to sit on the porch with Batsy wrinkled as raisins someday and watch your ugly grandbabies eat dirt? Wuä's disgusting! I took you for a woman with more class."

Joker hissed again as the cat drove the needle through his skin more roughly than necessary and said back:

"We can't keep up our game forever. At some point, we all have to admit that to ourselves."

Joker merely grumbled in the room, but then glanced at Selina's burned skin:

"Too bad your beautiful back got all burned up. And all because you wanted to protect our little Robbie. I'm assuming backless is out as of today? Must be pretty painful."

"It's bearable. And beauty is a fleeting thing anyway. Better my back than his face."

"But it definitely would have been more interesting and not as sadly as...Ow!"

The cat poked through Joker's maltreated flesh again and purred:

"Watch your mouth or that needle might sink a little deeper."

However, the green-haired clown only acknowledged this with an annoyed:

"I definitely liked you better when we worked together. Oh, how we laughed. Penguin, Towface, Ivy, Riddler...Those were really amusing times, but I never saw you laugh. Strange, isn't it? Didn't you have fun with us?"

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