Chapter 34: No pack, but a flock

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She'd be real proud of that, wouldn't she? Our good Marth-!"

Before Jason could finish his sentence, a powerful fist drove through his face and catapulted the Outlaw to the ground. It sent a terrifying silence throughout the Cave and no one dared break it. Finally, Bruce's voice, tinged with rage, threatened:

"Don't you dare put her name in your mouth again."

Lying on the ground, Jason sat up meaninglessly and spat a small amount of blood onto the metal plates of the Batcave. A narrow trickle snaked down his lips, which curled in amusement in the moment that followed. As Jason stood up, he laughed a little at this whole situation:

"Pfff...Hahaha, what shouldn't I put in my mouth? Martha? Thomas? Grow the fuck up Bruce! You seriously expect me to still respect you when you can't even manage to just let mommy and daddy stay at the cemetery? I'm sick and tired of your fucking whining! You're not the one with the shitty life here!"

Jason ran at Bruce and was about to kick him in the head when his leg was intercepted by the trained bat's hand. But Jason used his torque and shifted his attack to the other leg, so that Bruce was surprised by a kick against the head from his unprotected side. He staggered back a few steps, but kept his footing while the Outlaw caught himself with his hands and was also back on his feet a short moment later.

But Jason would not restrain himself any longer. This was long overdue. It was time to beat some common sense into this asshole!

Putting his thoughts into action, Jason immediately went back on the attack, throwing in addition to his fists, angrily at Bruce's head:

"You had money, had Alfred. You don't know what it is to be penniless and alone! Dick lost his family. Tim lost his family. Every one of us has lost their parents. So what makes you so special?!"

Blow after blow pelted down on Bruce and was parried by him with practice. But Jason did not think about stopping. His anger at this bat had built up too much and he was now throwing it all at him:

"You were never part of the normal people! How can you force your way on everyone when you are so far away from the lives of others!"

Bruce got into a defensive position and blocked the blows as best as he could, while Tim could only watch the whole thing in horror and every now and then tried to de-escalate the situation with shouts. Selina, on the other hand, showed no emotion. With the tensions that prevailed in this house, she was not surprised that it now came to an argument with the most impulsive in the round. If there was one thing she knew, it was that Bruce tended to use his fists when it came to conflicts.

But what worried her a bit now were the faint growling noises which seemed to come from the direction of the cage. A look at the piles of feathers that had been set up only confirmed her uneasiness even more.

Meanwhile, Jason continued to hiss at Bruce:

"And Damian never had a life at all because he always had to dance to the tune of his dysfunctional parents without even one of you really trying to understand him! You make us all sick and I'm not going to stand by and watch you drag another life into your abyss with you!"

"He's not a normal kid!"

The father had had enough and was now punching back, again in Jason's face. But the Outlaw didn't let it throw him back, instead keeping his gaze stubbornly fixed on Bruce with the fist in his face. The bandage over the Outlaw's injured eye began to soak up blood again, but Jason didn't even notice.

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