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DarkOtter14- Eda I want McDonald's 😔

BadGirlCoven- McDonald's doesn't exist in the Boiling Isles, kid

IllusionKing- Not with that attitude >:)

DarkOtter14- W-what is that supposed to mean?-

MatPresento- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

IllusionKing- totally

CloverBreeze- I'm worried now..

BadGirlCoven- Same

IllusionKing- Don't worry guys, me and Matty are just gonna build a McDonald's next to the Library!

MatPresento- This is the best idea you've ever had, honestly you can be a genius sometimes.

MatPresento- I mean- not in a weird way.

DarkOtter14- oooooh 😏

MatPresento- i will not hesitate to rip your limbs off

DepressoEspresso- will the mcdonald's have coffee

DarkOtter14- uh...i think so?

DepressoEspresso- good, cause I haven't slept in three years

DarkOtter14- I-

BadGirlCoven- mood

MatPresento- mood

IllusionKing- mood

CloverBreeze- mood

WitchChick128- mood

Eddinescence- mood

Emilixer- mood

ThornQueen- mood

KINGOF<3S- mood

LovelyLulu- mood

ViolBard- mood

MagentaMagic has joined the conversation

MagentaMagentic- mood

MagentaMagic has left the conversation

DarkOtter14- I- what just happened 0-0

DepressoEspresso- mood

DarkOtter14- Wellllllll, I have a game we could all play!

CloverBreeze- Hmm, what is it?

WitchChick128- Sounds fun!

DarkOtter14- ...amity I didn't even say what we were gonna do yet-

WitchChick128- I know, but anything you suggest is automatically amazing.

DarkOtter14- awwwwwwwww <3

WitchChick128- :)

IllusionKing- So...what's the game?

DarkOtter14- Oh yeah, right!

DarkOtter14- Each of us say ONE word and then we combine all of them to make a story!

WitchChick128- Sounds fun!

DepressoEspresso- do i have to play

DarkOtter14: Yes >:(

DepressoEspresso- then all the words are either gonna be swears or about death

DarkOtter14- so be it

DarkOtter14- I'll start:

DarkOtter14: Giraffes

BadGirlCoven- Always


LovelyLulu- To

DepressoEspresso- Kill

CloverBreeze- Me

IllusionKing- With

MatPresento- Machetes

Emilixer- That

Eddinescence- Are

WitchChick128- Tired

ThornQueen- Of

DarkOtter14- Trying

BadGirlCoven- To


DepressoEspresso- the will to live

WitchChick128- wait that's not how you play the game??-

BadGirlCoven- mood

CloverBreeze- mood

MatPresento- mood

Emilixer- mood

DarkOtter14- jeez are you four okay???

BadGirlCoven- no

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