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Hello_Willow: Guys, I'm worried... about him.

ThornQueen: about who?

Hello_Willow: Hunter. After what happened, yknow?...

Eddinescence: I feel like a lot of us missed something...

Emilixer: Same, dude.

WitchChick128: He...hasn't talked in a while.

GoodWitchLuzura: I understand that. When...my dad passed away, I...went nonverbal for a while after that. It's a coping mechanism. Loss is hard, but time slowly heals the wounds.

Veehee: Yeah...I'm worried too.

IllusionKing: I want to help, but I don't know how!

IllusionKing: He's...he's like a brother to me...

MatPresento: Who's Hunter?

IllusionKing: Stay out of this, matty.

MatPresento: oh.

IllusionKing: Sorry, that...was harsh.

IllusionKing: You...just don't know the situation.

MatPresento: Yeah, okay. I get that. Well, I, uh...hope things get better for you.

IllusionKing: Yeah.

katyarawr: I guess I should stay out of it as well, because Hunter sounds like a stereotypical white boy name and I am NOT good at comforting anybody.

GoodWitchLuzura: Willow, maybe you could talk to him? He seems to feel most comfortable around you.

Hello_Willow: I'll do my best.

BadGirlCoven: Did Blondie get traumatized again?

Chilly.Lily: If we're being honest, everyone who's been in the Emperor's Coven has a bit of trauma. I can confirm.

Darination: I JUST WOKE UP...


Darination: IS HE DEAD??

Rainey.Day: Don't panic. He'll be fine, I'm sure of it.

Darination: I feel like this is all my fault for letting him escape...

Rainey.Day: It's not your fault. It's all gonna be okay.

Darination: Thank you, Raine, that... means a lot.

Rainey.Day: Of course, Darius. I just hate when people blame themselves for things that were out of their control.

BadGirlCoven: ...

Rainey.Day: Including you, Calamity.

BadGirlCoven: Oh, Raine...I'm so sorry. For everything.

Rainey.Day: I forgave you long ago, now you just have to forgive yourself.

BadGirlCoven: That's easier said than done, but...

BadGirlCoven: I'll try. For you, Rainestorm.

WitchChick128: This applies to you too, Luz. It's not your fault that Belos met the Collector. Or that he knows glyph magic. You didn't know.

GoodWitchLuzura: Yeah, I just...wish things had gone differently.

BadGirlCoven: We all do, Luz. But im glad I know you're okay out there.

GoodWitchLuzura: Me too, Eda. I miss you. We all do.

BadGirlCoven: How's King?

GoodWitchLuzura: ...

BadGirlCoven: ...He IS with you...right?

IllusionKing: yeesh, how do we break this news?

BadGirlCoven: LUZ! How could you lose him?? What happened??

GoodWitchLuzura: I'm sorry, Eda...

Hello_Willow: The Collector got him. I don't know what their plan is, but we have to save King.

WitchChick128: And we can. Together.

GoodWitchLuzura: Together.

BadGirlCoven: Together.

BadGirlCoven: If it's the last thing I do...

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