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CosmicStarz joined the chat

CosmicStarz: HI!

GoodWitchLuzura: OH NO.

WitchChick128: How did HE get here???

KINGOF<3s: Colley, I told you to stay on the IPad!

CosmicStarz: Aw come on King, I wanted to talk to you! And you never accepted my friend request on...what was it? The animal game.

Hello_Willow: Do you know how little that narrows it down?

RulerzReachF4n: O.M.T., Animal Jam?

Darination: ...What do you even do in your free time?

Rainey.Day: Shh, let him have his fun.

Hello_Willow: How cute. 😊

RulerzReachF4n: hshshshshshshs

ThornQueen: What's going on? Who's the new person?

BadGirlCoven: This kid isn't just a person, they're an intergalactic GOD!

CosmicStarz- Oh come on lady, I'm just trying to have fun!

Camilmom: A GOD?

IllusionKing: In our groupchat? It's more likely than you'd think.

Hello_Willow: Now isn't the time to be quoting memes, Gus!

MatPresento: Yep I'm out, cya auggie 👋

Hello_Willow: AUGGIE????

IllusionKing: Ttyl, Matty!

Camilmom: Is everyone safe? What's going on here?!

BadGirlCoven: I've got everything under control. No worries, hot tamale.

Camilmom: Dios mio. 😳

GoodWitchLuzura: ????????

BadGirlCoven: Whoopsies.

Rainey.Day: ???????????

BadGirlCoven: 😇

CosmicStarz: Anyways, King, what have you been up to, forever bestie? :3

KINGOF<3s: Uh, not...much? Just trying to...stay alive?

CosmicStarz: Sounds fun! ^^

KINGOF<3s: Not...really.

Emilixer: Whoa, I've been asleep for the past 15 hours, what's happening?

RulerzReachFan: That is SO relatable.

GoodWitchLuzura: For real.

Eddinescence: If there's a god here...can you teleport fries to my room?

WitchChick128: EDRIC!!!

Emilixer: And some soda for me?

WitchChick128: Oh come on, not you too!

Eddinesence: 🤷‍♂️

CosmicStarz: Sorry, I don't have time for that kinda thing...UNLESS, you all would come to my party! I'll bring pizza bagels!

KINGOF<3s: ...What is it with you and pizza bagels?

CosmicStarz: They're good, OK?

BadGirlCoven: Welp, guess we'll die.

veehee: is no one ever gonna explain what's going on???

Camilmom: Don't worry about it Mija, you'll be alright.

veehee: no, i'm asking because masha wants to put this on their podcast.

CosmicStarz: Ooh, social interaction? Sign me up! New friend incoming!

GoodWitchLuzura: I'm not sure if this was a good idea...

KINGOF<3s: Whatever you do, do NOT leave the tablet unattended.

IllusionKing: Too late!


katyarawr: :3

CosmicStarz: please never write again

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