Changes & Additions...

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DarkOtter14 changed their name to GoodWitchLuzura

GoodWitchLuzura: There! I always thought that fit me better :))

LovelyLulu changed her name to Chilly.Lily

Chilly.Lily: Nobody else likes rhyming. I think it sounds eloquent!

Cloverbreeze changed her name to Hello_Willow

DepressoEspresso: hey i like your new username

Hello_Willow: Thanks, Hunter! :)

DepressoEspresso: yeah,,

DepressoEspresso changed his name to RulerzReachF4n

KINGOF<3s- Hey, I wrote that book!!

RulerzReachF4n- oh you gotta be kidding me

ViolBard changed their name to Rainey.Day

Rainey.Day: Get it? Raine? Rain? Rainy day? RAINEy day?

Darination joined the chat

Rainey.Day: Darius????

Darination: Hey, songbird.

Darination: My titan, that username is idiotic.

Rainey.Day: What was that for? :(

katyarawr joined the chat

katyarawr: hey! remember me? (i'm the one who wrote fanfics about food)

Rainey.Day: Speaking of fanfictions you never let me read any of those, Katya!

katyarawr: don't want to 💀

BadGirlCoven: she's right.

BadGirlCoven: i've read it.

katyarawr: WHAT??

veehee joined the chat

GoodWitchLuzura: OMG, Vee! Hi!!

veehee: howdoyoumakeaspace

GoodWitchLuzura: ...we've got some work to do.

Camilmom joined the chat

GoodWitchLuzura: Mamá!!

Camilmom: Hola, mija!

BadGirlCoven: Oh, so you're her mom?

Camilmom: Yes...and who is everyone else here? I'm delighted to meet you all!

Chilly.Lily: I'm the idiot's sister.

BadGirlCoven: Hey!

KINGOF<3s: I'm your worst nightmare!

Hello_Willow: Hello Ms. Noceda! I'm Luz's friend, Willow.

IllusionKing: And I'm Gus! :D

ThornQueen: I am a gremlin who actively disturbs the peace

Emilixer: Me and my brother @Eddinescence are just here for the ride tbh

RulerzReachF4n: I honestly don't know who I am at this point...

GoodWitchLuzura: :(

MatPresento: i'm gay

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