Dreams are Weird

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DarkOtter14- Once I had a dream that it was raining marshmallows, not the food kind, the DJ

Eddinescence- I had a dream where everyone was a giraffe but we had short necks and every half hour we yelled, "midget power" and somehow the whole world could hear it

BadGirlCoven- I had a dream that crime was legal but breathing wasn't

IllusionKing- I had a dream that I was a superhero, but if I used my powers I would spontaneously combust

CloverBreeze- I had a dream that a plant ate me but instead of dying, there was a hotel inside of its stomach

CloverBreeze- plants don't even have stomachs

KINGOF<3S- I had a dream that I met my dad but he was some weird guy with a fez that stole stuff

LovelyLulu- I had a dream that I was queen of the Boiling Isles and for some reason I used Hooty as a throne.

ThornQueen- I had a dream that I was wearing sunglasses but I was the sun

Emilixer- You're my son <3

Emilixer- *sun

ThornQueen- yes emira

ThornQueen- adopt me

ViolBard- I had a dream that I went to Russia but I didn't play the violin

ViolBard- The violin played me

WitchChick128- GUYS

WitchChick128- IT'S 3AM


WitchChick128- TIME

DepressoEspresso- don't worry i wasn't asleep


DepressoEspresso- exactly

CloverBreeze- Amity, don't get mad

WitchChick128- I was having a really good dream!

Emilixer- Did you marry Luz again?

Eddinescence- Did you name the kid Lumity? :D

WitchChick128- NO SHUT UP

DarkOtter14- Yeah, stop being embarrassing!

DarkOtter14- She obviously named the kid Azura smh 🙄

WitchChick128- LUZ OH MY GOD

DarkOtter14- It's a good name! 😂

DarkOtter14- And Amity Noceda sounds better than Luz Blight-

WitchChick128- I'M DONE

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