Chapter 4 Insensitive

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Warnings: almost panic attack and cussing

Tomura folded his hands over his chest he felt exposed. "You knew what?" Tomura asked nervously taking a step back. "It all makes since now. You hiding your name. The big clothes." Dabi said he didn't bother stopping Tomura from backing into the corner.

"What do you know?!" Tomura growled he was now stuck like a cornered rabbit. Dabi was the cat waiting to close in to end his prey. Dabi's smirk widened it was full of teeth the man was amused at Tomura's distress. "Your trans I can tell. Don't deny it creep." Dabi said he now walked into the room fully.

"Stay back!" Tomura hissed he didn't want Dabi any closer. Dabi didn't listen he was now close to Tomura his face inches from his. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya. We all have our secrets." Dabi pinned him in with his arms. Tomura started breathing heavily he wanted to shove Dabi away but his arms felt like jello.

Tomura's mind started spiralling at what Dabi might do to him. Every person besides Spinner had been down right nasty to the men when they'd learned his secret. Dabi pulled back noticing how panicked Tomura had become. His smirk was still in place Tomura wanted to punch it off his face.

Dabi pulled up his white t-shirt making Tomura blush. The man looked away what the hell was Dabi doing? "Look we're the same." Dabi said Tomura refused to look at the man both embarrassed and afraid of him now. "Look creep." Dabi growled Tomura hesitantly looked.

Dabi had burn scars along his torso and stomach. Bad purple ones that covered most of his once pale skin. Tomura looked up under Dabi's chest were two long red scars that Tomura would recognize any where. "What? How?" Tomura said he stared at the scars transfixed.

"Told you we are the same. So, stop freaking out okay?" Dabi said his tone was softer now he had a hint of regret to his voice at scaring the young man so hard. Dabi pulled his shirt back down so that all his scars were hidden including the ones that had shocked Tomura.

Tomura felt a small smile on his lips. He finally found someone else who was like him. Dabi was a asshole but at least he had nothing to worry about. Tomura kept his gaze on Dabi's chest where his scars were now hidden. Dabi smirked for the hundredth time that day.

"Like what you saw creep?" Dabi asked he laughed as Tomura's face turned a deep shade of crimson red. "No, shut up!" Tomura said he looked away now refusing to make eye contact again. "Your insufferable." Tomura mumbled angrily.

"What was that sweet heart couldn't hear you." Dabi said teasingly. Tomura huffed Dabi laughed as Tomura shoved past him. Tomura still disliked the man even after their weird discovery of one another being trans. Tomura slammed his room door shut tired of Dabi for now.

Dabi smiled to himself as he left the laundry room. "This one is fun. Wonder how long it'll take to scare him off." Dabi said to himself he decided to hang out in the living room to watch a movie. It was about a hour later before Tomura came out of his room.

The man opened his door a crack looking down the hall for Dabi. Seeing that he wasn't there Tomura sneaked out towards the laundry room to switch his clothes to the dryer. Tomura's footsteps were quiet he had practice sneaking around his father for years.

Tomura had just switched his laundry over before Dabi sauntered in. "What's up creep?" Dabi asked he was once again leaning against the wall. Tomura not having heard him coming jumped. Dabi laughed while Tomura shot him a glare.

"Didn't hear you come in here. I was looking for you. Quiet as a mouse creep." Dabi said Tomura ignored him instead trying to walk past him. Tomura had his arms across his chest like he didn't want Dabi to see it. Dabi felt a twinge of empathy he loved teasing Tomura but he didn't wish for him to be miserable.

"Stay here." Dabi said before he walked down the hallway. Tomura was confused what was the man doing? Was he pranking him? Tomura wanted to hide in his room again Dabi came back before he could. Dabi was holding a black hoodie. Tomura was confused, "What is that for?" Tomura asked.

Dabi looked away a small blush on his pale cheeks. "I see your uncomfortable so keep it." Dabi said he dropped it on Tomura's head before he could say another word. Dabi gave him a dismissive wave before retreating from whence he came from. Tomura stared at the hoodie like it would hold the answers to the universe.

Tomura eventually out of his shock put it on. The hoodie was big on him but not tremendously so that it was awkward. Tomura smelled the faint scent of pine and whiskey it was obviously Dabi's. Tomura thought the man wasn't so bad as long as he shut his mouth.

Tomura smiled as he collected his laundry from the dryer later. His life wasn't great right now but Dabi was proving to be not a total jerk. Just three fourths a jerk Tomura decided. Tomura set his laundry on his bed instead of the floor this time since they had just been washed.

Tomura unplugged his phone he checked his notifications. A message on Discord from Spinner asking how he'd been. Twenty missed calls from Hana. Tomura rolled his eyes swiping the notification. More missed calls from family members then nothing of interest.

Tomura texted Spinner back that he was okay and his situation he now found himself in. Spinner the amazing friend he was offered to buy Tomura a new binder. Tomura declined he didn't want to have Spinner buy him something. Spinner insisted asking for his new address.

It wasn't the smartest move to trust a online friend. But Tomura had known Spinner for years and they had met in person a few times. Spinner lived three hours away at a college he was staying at while he took game developing courses.

Tomura eventually relented knowing his friend wouldn't give up. Tomura went to bad that night in a comfortable bed. Tomura smiled as he went to sleep. Tomorrow would hopefully be better than yesterday.

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