Chapter 3 Dabi

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Tomura thought it was strange that such a good apartment was cheap. We're the photos lying? No, they appeared real enough. Tomura wracked his brain for any other ideas to amuse himself. "This guy is totally a murderer." Tomura said to himself. He was a little nervous but he needed somewhere to stay.

Tomura followed his phone directions it wasn't too far away. Sadly, it was a thirty minute walk to his local college. But it was a small price to pay for being able to save money doing it in person. At least, he wouldn't have to pay for internet for his computer anymore. He'd have to wake up super early to accomplish this though.

Tomura grumbled to himself as he walked several blocks. Turns out a mile for a in a unathletic nineteen year old was a lot more work than anticipated. Tomura saw a notification pop up on his phone it had only two percent left. Tomura not knowing the directions started sprinting.

Tomura did make it he was out of breath by the time he arrived. The man knocked on the door lightly. Tomura still hunched over due to running heard the door open. He looked up standing in front of him was a black haired man he was covered in what appeared to be burn scars. His eyes were the most intense blue Tomura had ever seen on a human.

"Are you gonna come in creep or?" The guy asked he gestures towards the door stepping out of the way. "Uh, I'm assuming your the guy who wanted a house mate?" Tomura asked he looked around hoping this asshole wasn't going to be who he was going to be staying with.

The man smirked at him, "Yup right this or don't I really don't care." He said before walking into the house leaving the door open. Tomura glared at the back of his head he already hated this guy. "What's your name?" Tomura asked he did need to know his own house mates name.

"The name's Dabi." Dabi said he turned around to look at Tomura. "No your real name." Tomura said he didn't need this man to be secretive about basic info. Maybe, he really was going to be living with a murder. "I'll tell you when you need to know." Dabi said his face was blank but Tomura could see a angry glint in his eye.

"Ya know creep you have to sign a contract or whatever." Dabi said he walked over to his coffee table sliding the document over to Tomura. "Okay." Tomura said he picked it up he read all the text wondering if Dabi had something suspicious. Not nothing anything he signed.

Tomura winced as he spelled out his birth name. He had to though if he wanted to do any legal transactions. Dabi read his name, "Tenko, huh?" Dabi asked he raised a eyebrow when Tomura flinched. "It's Tomura." Tomura growled. Dabi smirked, "Looks like I'm not the only one who hides their name." Dabi said he sat the document down on the table to deal with later.

"Follow me for the tour." Dabi said sarcastically. Tomura rolled his eyes but followed none the less. "This is my bedroom." Dabi said he pointed to the first room down a hallway. "Do. Not. Go. In. There. Ever. Unless. You. Want. To. Die." Dabi said he stopped to put emphasis on each word.

Tomura shivered what had he gotten himself into? Dabi lead the way down the hallway he opened a door to reveal a small bathroom. "Bathrooms hear obviously." Dabi said he continued leading Tomura. "This will be your room do what ever you want as long as you don't damage anything." Dabi said he left the door closed this time.

"Lastly, this is the laundry room. Kitchens to the left of the living room." Dabi said he started leaving down the hallway but stopped at the end of it. "Theirs a few rules you should know first. I stay up late no complaining. If I have my friends over you stay away. You can bring people over but only with my permission." Dabi said after that he was gone.

Tomura glared at the spot he had just been. His house mate was not normal at all. He could tell by the moment he laid eyes on him. Dabi was a jerk but he at least hadn't been a confirmed murder yet. Tomura sighed he should get set up with his few belongings.

Tomura opened his room it was bigger than his old one. Not to large but it was around medium size. Tomura was impressed with all the space even if to a normal person it wouldn't be impressive. Tomura put his clothes in a pile on the floor he'd have to buy hangers later.

The man than set his beloved corgi plushie on his bed. He had gotten when he was little as a Christmas gift from his mom. The man had named it Mon after his own corgi. Tomura felt a stab of guilt over leaving his dog. He'd have to figure out a way to get her away from there. Nobody fed her if it wasn't Tomura.

Tomura plugged in his phone since it was now dead. Tomura decided to ask Dabi a few questions after he did some laundry. Most of his clothes has been dirty when he'd been kicked out. Tomura could worry about college tomorrow. He decided taking in person would be easier even if he hated people.

The man groaned he also had to find a job now. The man had to pay rent his dad at least used it pay the bills. Tomura had saved up a lot as a teenager in order to he able to afford basic things and college. Tomura would once again figure it out tomorrow. That's future Tomura's problem he told himself.

Tomura walked down the hallway to the laundry room which consisted of a washer and dryer in a tight space. Tomura could barely mover around the room. He guessed it was better than nothing. Tomura sniffed his hoodie it smelled bad. He needed to wash it especially after sleeping in the street all night.

The man took it off throwing it into the washer with all the rest of his dirty clothes. Tomura was about to run back to his room to avoid Dabi. However, when he opened the door said man was leaning against the door frame smirking at him. "I knew it." Dabi said smugly he stared at Tomura like he was studying him.

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