Chapter 10 Rescue Mon

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"So, what exactly is this surprise?" Tomura asked they were driving somewhere that Dabi was taking him. "You'll see soon were almost there." Dabi said once again avoiding Tomura's question. Tomura pouted at the lack of a proper answer but he decided not ask again knowing he'd get the same response.

Dabi finally parked the car the man got out. Tomura followed Dabi as he began walking across the street. Tomura looked left and right quickly before running across the street after Dabi. "You didn't look." Tomura commented he was a little concerned on Dabi's carelessness.

Dabi shrugged, "If they hit me that's their problem." Dabi said he finally stopped. Tomura rolled his eyes stupid Dabi. The man looked up a bright neon sign said Japanese Noodle Shop in bright neon letters. "This is the surprise?" Tomura asked he tried not to sound to disappointed.

"I promise you driving forty five minutes for this will be the best decision of your life." Dabi said he didn't sound sarcastic which confused Tomura. "Well it better be good." Tomura said he followed Dabi into the restaurant the bell on the door dinged as they did.

"Best ramen in town. Besides, a friend of mine works here." Dabi said he pointed over to the counter. Tomura looked Twice was at the cash register he waved at them. Tomura sent a nod in his direction while Dabi waved back. Tomura still didn't know what was so great about a small Noodle shop.

They both ordered their food Tomura getting the same thing Dabi did since he didn't know anything on the menu. Their food soon came it was hot so they had to wait. Well, that's at least what Tomura did. Dabi started eating as soon as it came smoke rose above the bowl but that didn't deter Dabi.

"I have literally been set on fire. Hot food won't stop me." Dabi said Tomura shook his head his house mate kept getting weirder everyday. Tomura eventually took a bite of his own food Dabi was almost done at that point. Tomura would admit the ramen was good but he didn't think it was worth the forty five minute drive.

They left after that to head back to their house. They took a different route than normal as soon as Tomura noticed the familiar scenery he tensed up. "What's wrong Tomura?" Dabi asked concerned as he saw the other man suddenly stiffen up. "I don't want to talk about it." Tomura said he just kept feeling worse the closer they got to his old home.

Dabi gave him one more concerned look before returning his gaze back to the road. Tomura glanced at his old home for just a second that's all it took for him to think of the dog he'd left. "Stop the car right now!" Tomura yelled he winced as Dabi slammed on the breaks. Luckily he was wearing his seatbelt so he only jerked forward and didn't fall out of his seat.

"What's going on?" Dabi asked confused he looked at Tomura with worry in his eyes. "This is where I used to live. I promised myself I'd rescue someone I'll be right back." Tomura said he opened the car door and was gone before Dabi could stop him. Dabi was left their more confused and with a thousand questions.

If Tomura got hurt doing whatever crazy scheme he was planning Dabi would bring him back from the dead just to kill him himself. Dabi decided to stay in the car it was clear whatever Tomura was doing he wanted to do it solo. Dabi would be ready if anything happened though. He cared about Tomura to much to let him get hurt.

Tomura walked over to Mon's dog house he felt a pang of sadness as he saw how empty her food bowl was. At least she was alive the dog was sleeping silently unaware of Tomura standing over her. Tomura didn't want to wake her when she was sleeping peacefully but he needed to get her out of her before anyone noticed.

"Psst, Mon girl wake up." Tomura said he shook the corgi. Mon woke with a start her hair bristles up and she barked having been startled awake by Tomura. Tomura back away a few steps surprised by the dogs aggression. Mon wagged her tail as soon as she realized who'd woken her up.

"It's okay girl it's me. I'm here to take you to a better place." Tomura said he placed his hand on the dogs head he scratched her behind the ears. Tomura had missed his dog greatly he was glad to see her again. Tomura unclipped her from the leash she had been clipped to every day since he'd been gone.

He felt bad for leaving her but he needed to get away for his own sanity. Tomura picked up the old corgi he opened the car door and sat Mon in his seat. "Oh, hey Tomura what's with the dog-" Dabi began he was interrupted when Mon growled at him and jumped over the center console straight into Dabi's lap.

Dabi yelped in surprise as the corgi flung herself at him. Mon stared up at Dabi showing her teeth her growl sounded more ferocious than she actually was but it made Dabi stare at the small dog in fear. Tomura tried not to laugh as Dabi froze up as Mon showed him her teeth.

"Tomura get your fucking dog she's gonna bite me!" Dabi shouted it only aggravated Mon more who started barking at him. Tomura looked around the driveway nervous Mon was making a lot of noise she could have alerted his family. He let out a relived sigh once he saw none of their cars were there. The man was especially grateful Kataro's car wasn't there.

Tomura got into the car he buckled himself in before picking Mon up. Tomura held her all the way home Dabi kept sending the dog watchful glances which made Tomura snicker. "You keep that potato looking hell spawn away from me." Dabi said he glared at the corgi who was sitting in Dabi's usual spot on the couch.

"She had never hurt anyone." Tomura said Mon liked to growl but she had never bit anyone. "Hm, sure. Won't they notice potato hell spawn is missing though?" Dabi asked he knew that as weird as dog knapping was as a crime it was still a crime. "First off she's my dog. Second no one will notice. Third her name is Mon not potato whatever spawn." Tomura said he petted the dog affectionately on the head. "Whatever." Dabi grumbled.

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