Chapter 11 Getting Something Done

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A few weeks after they rescued Mon Tomura kept constantly checking his email on his phone. The man had been told by Kurogiri that sometime within the next month or two that he'd receive of email of some organization that would cover his top surgery. Tomura had been checking relentlessly he was to anxious to wait patiently for his day to be confirmed.

Dabi had to make him stop on some occasions because the only thing he'd do for several minutes was reload his email. Dabi would find it amusing if it wasn't for the fact that Tomura was so anxious about it. Dabi knew the feeling he couldn't sleep before he got his surgery.

"Hey, Tomura how about we put the phone down and watch a movie?" Dabi suggested he was getting tired of watching Tomura reload it constantly. "Fine just let me check one more time." Tomura said Dabi let him even though he doubted anything would change in the second he checked it again.

"Oh my God Dabi!" Tomura said he clicked on his phone excitedly. "Looks like I was wrong." Dabi mumbled he tried to stay annoyed but he couldn't help from smiling. "Did you get it?" Dabi asked amused as he watched Tomura's eyes light up excitedly. "Yes!" Tomura said he showed Dabi his phone.

Tomura did indeed have a date set up five months from now. "It's gonna be a while for it to come but I can hardly wait! I think it's the waiting that's gonna be the hardest." Tomura said he finally put his phone down he leaned back against the couch. Dabi patted Tomura's shoulder sympathetically.

"Yeah, it is but don't let it eat you up. It sucks for it to be so far away yet so close. Trust me I understand." Dabi said he had barely been able to wait himself everyday dragged on. "Okay I won't try so how about that movie?" Tomura asked he wanted hang out with Dabi they hadn't been able to since two weekends ago.

Tomura ran home that night he was excited to tell Dabi more news. Two days after he'd gotten his top surgery date Tomura had been approved to get testosterone. He had to fill out a lot of paper work, therapy sessions with Kurogiri, and get blood drawn. It had been a hard and annoying process. But it was worth it to be able to start testosterone.

The male was tired by the time he got to his front door but he still preceded to run inside. "Dabi guess what happened to me!" Tomura shouted he jumped onto the couch startling Dabi. "Uh, you got a girlfriend." Dabi said he said it teasingly but Tomura still blushed.

"Shut up no. Try again." Tomura said he pouted at Dabi for his non serious answer. "The furry potato hell spawn finally croaked?" Dabi asked hopefully. Tomura slapped the back of his head for insisting that Mon was dead. "Ow, okay I deserved that but still I hate that dog." Dabi said the glared at the corgi who was laying on the floor.

Mon turned around to growl at Dabi after he said her name. "Yes, you did but I'll tell you since you're not giving me a good guess. I get to start T. I have my first dose right here!" Tomura said excitedly he pulled out a bag that his doctor had given him. Tomura smiled proudly as he held up the bag.

Dabi's eyes widened he smiled back at the male. Dabi pulled out his phone he snapped a picture of Tomura. He wanted to remember this moment. It was always so adorable in Dabi's opinion when Tomura got this excited about things. "Hey!" Tomura protested but the smile was still stuck on his face.

"Aww, my baby boy is all grown up into a man!" Dabi said in mock proudness he wiped a imaginary tear away. Tomura jumped onto Dabi surprising him. "Hello." Dabi said amused as Tomura glared down at him with a pout on his lips. "Ya know creep you look adorable when you pout." Dabi said he grinned when he saw Tomura's cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Shut up." Tomura said he was still pouting. Dabi chuckled he ran his hands threw Tomura's hair. "On a more serious note though I am extremely proud of you. It takes a lot to transition and be comfortable with who you are. It isn't easy but it is worth it." Dabi said he felt Tomura lay his head on his chest.

Dabi sighed he was more comfortable than he had ever felt since Tomura had arrived. They had started cuddling when they watched movies or just relaxed curled up with one another when they hanged out on the couch. Dabi liked the solid weight of Tomura on his chest he was like a weighted blanket except more comfortable and warmer.

Tomura got sleepy from Dabi running his hands threw his hair. Dabi had discovered this it put Tomura to sleep even if he wasn't previously tired. Dabi used it on nights Tomura couldn't sleep since the man had nightmares a lot he would often wake up during the middle of the night.

Dabi let Tomura come to his room to sleep with him if he had a particularly tough night. Sometimes, the male found himself checking on Tomura during the middle of the night if he was awake just to make sure he was okay. They were both night owls so Dabi was often awake till 12:00 am with Tomura on most nights.

Dabi saw that Tomura was still wearing the hoodie he'd have him. Other than the occasional washes Tomura never took it off unless he had to go to a more formal event. Even then he'd carry it around and let no one touch it like it was his most prized possession.

Who knew maybe it was. Dabi didn't know weather it was because he'd given to him or if he just liked it because it couldn't show the appearance of his chest. He guessed it didn't matter as he fell asleep listening to the small breaths coming from Tomura. Dabi did know one thing though this is where he wanted to be.

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