Chapter 5 Figuring Things Out

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Warnings: Transphobia, mentions of abusive father, and cussing

Tomura woke up to his alarm blaring. He groaned he wasn't used to waking up this early in the morning. Tomura turned his alarm off on his phone before groggily getting out of bed. Tomura walked away into the kitchen. Dabi was sitting at the table scrolling on his phone eating cereal.

Tomura sat down beside him putting his head on his hands. "Late sleeper I see?" Dabi asked amused. "Shut up it's to early to argue with you." Tomura grumbled Dabi smiled. Dabi was luckily quiet after that distracted by what was ever on his phone.

Tomura walked over to the coffee machine. He grabbed a mug before starting it. Tomura drank his coffee which woke him up a little. "What are you gonna do today creep?" Dabi asked he had put his phone down finally. "None of your business asshole." Tomura said he flipped Dabi off.

"You said I was a asshole but look who's talking." Dabi said he flipped Tomura off back. Dabi then turned his attention back to his phone as it ringed. Tomura ignored him after that continuing to get ready for his long day. Dabi did the same still weirdly attracted to his phone. He would glare at it like it had killed his dad in front of him. That was if Dabi liked his father.

Tomura shook his head not everyone had daddy issues like him. Tomura watched Dabi for a few more seconds he had burns along his jaw and under his eyes. Dabi looked at him he had felt Tomura's gaze on him. "Can I help you?" Dabi asked he gaze Tomura a unamused look.

Tomura looked away his cheeks heating up at the embarrassment of being caught staring. "I have things to do." Tomura said before exiting the room. Tomura put his to big red tennis shoes on. Tomura left after that having to do a lot in one day. Tomura would stop by his college first.

Tomura spent the better half of a hour arguing with the lady at the desk to switch him to in person classes. She also kept calling him by his dead name despite him constantly correcting her. Tomura got it done he stormed out frustrated. He felt like crying but he didn't want to do it out in public.

Tomura wiped at his tears as they threatened to fall. He would worry about finding a job later he would cry if he didn't get to be alone right now. Tomura walked back into the house he didn't even bother to take his shoes off as he rushed to his room. Dabi heard Tomura's door slam shut he wondered what was wrong with him.

Dabi decided to ignore it figuring he wanted to be alone. It was a few hours later three hours past noon and the man still hadn't come out yet. Dabi knocked on his door softly to see if he was still alive. "Go away." Tomura said from under his pile of blankets he had surrounded himself in.

"Still alive?" Dabi asked concerned. "No shit dipshit. God your annoying!" Tomura yelled Dabi smiled at least he made him mad instead of upset. "Come on out or else I'll make you." Dabi said he wanted to be concerned without showing his emotions because that would make him weak. That's what Dabi used to do to survive.

In his household showing emotions was considered weak. If you showed them his father would prey upon weak emotions and destroy him. Dabi didn't get a response he sighed. "I made soba if you come out. It's not like I care but I don't need you shriveling up into dust. Then who would pay the other half of the rent?" Dabi said before walking away.

Tomura glared half heartily at his door as if it would disappear. Tomura stayed in his blankets for another hour before coming out. Tomura felt slightly better but he was still mad at everything. He hated being trans because it brought him problems. He wished he could be like what everyone thought was normal. Straight. Cis. Normal.

Tomura heard his stomach growl he made his way to the kitchen to shut it up. Dabi was on the coach watching a movie. Tomura walked past him without saying anything making his way to the kitchen. Dabi watched him leave he still looked upset.

Dabi got up following the man into the kitchen. Dabi watched as Tomura made himself bowl of the soba he'd made earlier. Dabi walked up behind him making sure his steps were heard so that he didn't scare the man. "Yes?" Tomura asked his voice quiet as he put the container Dabi had used to store the soba in the sink.

"You okay creep? It's not that I care but you've been gone for a while." Dabi said he leaned against the counter beside Tomura. "Why do you care?" Tomura snapped Dabi flinched not having expected it. Dabi glared at the man now, "I know you upset but don't take it out on me." Dabi growled back.

Dabi regretted it as soon as he said the words. Tomura teared up he apologized quietly refusing to look at Dabi. "Hey, creep I didn't mean to be so aggressive." Dabi said he patted Tomura's back awkwardly not sure what to do. Tomura gave him a appreciative smile which made Dabi's face heat up for some reason.

Dabi shook his head what was going on with him? "What happened you can tell ol' asshole hear." Dabi said Tomura snorted at Dabi's joke about himself. "When I went to change my online classes to in person the lady at the desk wouldn't stop dead naming me no matter how many times I corrected her." Tomura said he started pacing around the room as he talked.

Dabi listened so that Tomura felt like he wasn't alone. Dabi blamed the big brother in him coming out. Dabi cared for his siblings on many different occasions so he had experience. Tomura felt better to talk to someone even if it was the resident asshole.

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