Chapter 14 Crimson

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Warnings: mentioned transphobia, attack on a character, mention of blood but no actually scene is described in detail and cussing

Dabi put his keys in his pocket he ran to the last spot he'd seen Tomura by the car. "Tomura?" Dabi shouted he was getting worried as he walked around the parking lot. Dabi then noticed something on the ground in front of him Tomura's black hoodie was on the ground. He never took it off. Not even when it was blazingly hot something was wrong.

Dabi picked it up he held it against his chest for a moment. Dabi was panicked it wouldn't do him any good to not have a clear head. Dabi closed his eyes for a second to calm his breathing the man breathed in and out a few times. Dabi tried calling Tomura's phone every second that went by made Dabi more concerned.

"Pick up. Please pick up." Dabi said he clutching his phone harshly it seemed his breathing exercise wasn't working anymore. The line was picked up Dabi let out a sigh of relief. "Tomura?!" He asked. "Dabi their was a man he..." Tomura said he was caught off as a severe cough wracked threw him.

"Tomura where are you?!" Dabi asked worriedly he was starting to get hysteric. What had happened? "I'll send you my location hurry theirs lots of blood." Tomura said he sent Dabi his location. "Tomura you okay?" Dabi asked he got no answer which worried him. "Tomura?" Dabi asked receiving no further responses Dabi hanged up.

Dabi opens his text messages he noticed that Tomura was barely a block away. Dabi knew he should call the police for whatever had happened to Tomura but he couldn't think of anything except finding him. Dabi ran faster than he'd ever remember ever running. He stopped at where his phone told him to.

He couldn't find Tomura where was he? "Tomura!" Dabi shouted their was multiple people walking around him they gave him concerned looks but passed on. Dabi growled if Tomura was hurt because he lost his attention off of him for two seconds he was going to loose it.

Someone came out a dark alley they had multiple scratch marks on their neck and arms. Dabi hung back he the guy looked suspicious. Dabi waited until he stepped away to run into the alley. It was pitch black Dabi turned on his phones camera to see. Dabi stumbled back as he saw the sight that greeted him.

Tomura was indeed there. He wasn't responding his chest was rising and falling slower than normal but he was breathing. Dabi saw the blood he ignored it he needed to get Tomura out of here. Judging by the scratch marks on the suspicious looking guy and the blood Dabi guessed it was most likely Tomura was attacked.

"Dabi?" Tomura asked if was barely above a whisper but Dabi ran over to him immediately. "It's okay I'm hear shhh." Dabi said he picked up Tomura gently he didn't care if his clothes got stained the only thing that mattered was getting him to safety. "Where does it hurt?" Dabi asked he checked Tomura's face and body over but he found no injuries.

"My leg." Tomura said weakly. Dabi froze as he looked down. That's where all the blood came from. "I'm taking you to the hospital." Dabi said the other man hated hospitals but even he didn't protest. Dabi drove them their he did his best to bandage Tomura's leg but it wouldn't work for long.

Dabi now had to play a waiting game in the hospitals waiting room. It drove him crazy to wait but it was all he could do. Dabi was eventually told to sit down by the nurse running the computer to register people in. Dabi slumped down in his chair he was now going to be worried and stressed. At least the pacing had claimed his nerves a little.

Dabi didn't look at the doors as they burst open. "Where is my daughter?" A women asked she looked middle aged but Dabi paid her no mind. "What's your daughter's name?" The nurse asked. "Tenko Shimura." The lady said Dabi snapped to attention when that name left her mouth.

Sure it wasn't his name but it was the one on his legal documents. This women must be his mom Dabi didn't say anything to her at first since he didn't know if Tomura wanted her around or not. Then a younger women came in she looked exactly like Tomura. "Mom you took off so fast I couldn't keep up with you!" The young women had to take a moment to catch her breath.

"What's she in the hospital for?" The older lady asked. The nurse was about to answer but Dabi cut her off. "He is here because he was attacked stabbed in the leg by a knife." Dabi said he put emphasis on he. The older lady turned around to look at Dabi he glared at her. They knew Tomura was trans so why do they keep misgendering him?

"How do you know her-" The lady began but Dabi cut her off. "Let's try that again and I might answer." Dabi growled. "You have no right to withhold information about my daughter-" The lady said once again interrupted. "Yes, I fucking do. So, how about you just substitute a word or two then we can talk? It's not that fucking hard is it?" Dabi asked he knew he was scaring the women with how harsh he was sounding but at the moment he didn't care.

"Where is my son?" The women asked Dabi nodded his approval. "Their we go wasn't hard now was it?" Dabi asked the women gave him no response other than a small glare which made him grin. "Tomura is in getting helped by the doctors." Dabi said he ignored the women after that.

"How do you know Ten- I mean Tomura." The girl who looked like Tomura asked. "I know him because he's my house mate." Dabi said they were closer than that but he didn't feel the need to tell these people. "What's your name?" Dabi asked out of boredom to distract himself more than anything.

"Hana Shimura." Hana said she held her hand out for Dabi to shake he just stared at it. "Okay then nice to meet you." Hana said before looking away from him. "Yeah, you his sister?" Dabi asked. "Yup that's me." Hana said she ignored the glare Dabi sent her. By now Dabi had heard all about Tomura's family he wasn't sure if he liked them yet.

Trans people getting attacked is sadly more common than one would believe. 55 cases in the US alone in 2020. 375 cases globally. This is a underestimate a lot of these cases go unreported because the police and news outlets misgender the individual. The ones targeted the most are black trans women. I made this book to cope with my experience of being trans. I've never been attacked but I think it's good to spread the word trans people are a vulnerable group especially black trans women.

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