Chapter 7 A Hand To Help

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After his first time meeting Dabi's friends Dabi let him hang around. Tomura liked all of them except Toga. She would try to hug him even if Tomura didn't want her to. Dabi always tried to stop her but he was only successful to some degree.

Tomura was currently sitting at the kitchen table scrolling threw his phone looking for job applications. Dabi was sitting next to him eating a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. Tomura had made it for him since to no one's surprise the man couldn't cook. "Find anything yet?" Dabi asked curiously he peered over Tomura's shoulder to see what he was doing.

"No." Tomura said for the hundredth time Dabi kept on bothering him every two or three minutes with the same question. "How about now?" Dabi asked he smirked as Tomura glared at him. "No so stop asking!" Tomura said Dabi just laughed at his frustration.

The two men had stopped pranking each other nearly as much. Dabi's hair still had a slight pink tinge to it from last week. Now it was almost white the man hadn't been bothered to redye it yet. "Give me the phone I'll help you find a job." Dabi said he tried to pry it out of Tomura's hands.

Tomura slapped his hand away earning another laugh out of Dabi. Tomura started started scrolling aggressively pissed off at Dabi. He was about to scroll down another listing when he stopped. Tomura checked it out it was a opening for a animal shelter. The man would feed, walk, and clean up after pets.

Tomura put in his info he would try for this one. Tomura loved animals especially dogs. He really needed to get Mon back soon. If she wasn't dead already. Tomura had been preoccupied with college and his now considered friend Dabi. Dabi may be annoying but he was all Tomura had.

Tomura tried out for the animal shelter job. He woke up earlier than usual to get ready. The gift from Spinner finally came in so he wore a nice black flannel shirt. Dabi had bought the shirt for him randomly for special occasions. His excuse for being nice was even a rat needs to look nice.

Tomura had just shaken his head a small smile on his lips. Tomura also wore some dark blue skinny jeans. Binder on Tomura walked confidently out of his room for once. "You look nice creep." Dabi complimented as he looked the man up and down. Tomura felt a light blush come to his cheeks at the compliment.

"Thanks Dabi." Tomura said he'd make sure to pay the other man back someday for his small action of kindness. That was if Dabi didn't annoy him to much before he forgot. Tomura told Dabi goodbye before walking to the interview. It was around a fifteen minute walk.

Dabi had offered to drive him Tomura had turned him down. The man was used to walking a bit more now after walking to college every day. Dabi worked at a tattoo shop down town so he couldn't drive Tomura in the mornings. Tomura enjoyed the cool breeze of the morning as he walked.

Tomura ended up getting hired which made him happy. Dabi had bought a cake red velvet the man's favorite which said in big letter congrats Tomura. "How'd you get that made so fast?" Tomura asked curiously he had only been gone for a little over a hour.

"I knew you'd get the job so I had it made this morning." Dabi said shrugging. "Thanks I suppose but don't put your money on something that might not have worked out." Tomura said he didn't want Dabi to waste his money. Both men enjoyed a slice of cake before heading to bed.

"It's so hard to find a therapist for trans issues." Tomura said he was talking to Dabi. The man had been looking for one so that he could start the process towards top surgery. While binding helped his day was ruined when he had to take it off. It also sucked walking to college or when it was hot out.

"I have a gender therapist. I can give him a call for you if you want." Dabi suggested Tomura's face lit up. "Oh, really? That's cool. I would appreciate if you could." Tomura said he hoped she wasn't all booked. Dabi made the call he could be in by next Friday.

"Thanks Dabi." Tomura said he laid his head against the man's shoulder. Tomura was tired they had been watching a movie before Tomura brought up a gender therapist. "For what?" Dabi asked confused. "For everything you've done for me. You may be a douche but your a nice douche." Tomura said he said the last part teasingly so that the man would know he was joking.

"Hm, no problem creep." Dabi said he started playing with Tomura's hair. The man needed a haircut it he wanted to keep it short. Both men had been living with one another for nearly as month. Tomura felt his eyes get heavy he let them close thinking he'd get up in a minute or two.

Dabi heard Tomura snore softly he didn't have the heart to move him so he just let the other male sleep. Dabi stayed up a little bit longer to finish the movie they hadn't finished. Dabi eventually fell asleep on the couch with Tomura. The man didn't need a blanket with Tomura's body on top of his.

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