Chapter 13 June

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"Let's get a picture together." Dabi said he pulled out his phone. "Okay." Tomura said he was excited about seeing so many people like them in one place. It was amazing when a few months ago he thought he was the only gender queer and gay person around.

Tomura and Dabi we're close to one another since their was a lot of people they had been forced to stand next to one another. Not that either of them cared that much they had gotten comfortable with one another's presence and often cuddled on cold nights or when one of them was feeling sad or lonely.

Tomura leaned in so that he was in the range of the camera. Dabi threw a arm around Tomura's waist making him blush slightly. They both smiled it was the first time Tomura remembered smiling for a photo that wasn't forced. Dabi took the photo then he put his phone back into his pocket.

"Send that to me." Tomura said he took Dabi's hand again as they maneuvered threw the crowd. "Will do creep." Dabi said he let himself be dragged threw the crowd. They ended up near the front a announcer started saying something so Tomura turned his attention towards them.

"Is that?" Tomura asked Dabi he held his hand above his eyes hoping to block out the harsh sun so he could see who he thought he recognized. "Yeah, that's Compress all right." Dabi said grinning he waved at the man who waved back.

"All right everyone I need your attention." Compress shouted over the crowd. Everyone stopped their conversations and looked at the man making it quiet for the first time since Tomura had arrived. "We are going to have our usual walk down the street and back as we do every year. For everyone who is new here we walk down the road to show our pride. We have clearance for the next hour to do so from local authorities so it's okay don't worry about cars." Compress said he waved his hands around dramatically as he talked which didn't surprise Tomura.

The man was dramatic to say the least. Tomura then noticed that he'd traded in his usual attire for a rainbow suit. "Nice suit." Tomura said he thought it was to hot to wear a suit but it was still nice looking. "Thanks young man. Hello Dabi." Compress greeted. Dabi sent him another wave before looking away.

"Now the parade is gonna start everybody I shall lead the way!" Compress shouted he started walking down the street. Tomura looked around confused they were in the front right behind Compress if they didn't move soon they'd be left behind. "Let's go don't worry, creep." Dabi said he tugged on Tomura's hand.

Tomura followed Dabi as they ran to catch up to Compress and the crowd who had mostly passed them. Tomura grinned as he was surrounded in the crowd almost everyone was wearing some sort of rainbow color or other pride flag colors. It was cool to be apart of something larger. He felt like they were a sea of color in a grey dull world.

They walked down the street and back like Compress said. The street was a lot longer than Tomura had thought he was slightly tired by the time they got back. It was amazing to see people on the sidewalks taking pictures of the parade. Tomura thought someone might say something mean but nobody said a thing.

The only thing strangers said to him was complimenting his flag. Tomura felt a little like a super hero honestly. Little him would love to see him like this he thought amused. "What's so funny?" Dabi asked curiously. They had stopped to eat lunch at the park after the parade their was a concession stand near by to where they sat on the grass eating their lunch.

"Oh, it's dumb." Tomura said he looked away from Dabi to look at the clear sky it was a beautiful day. "Come on tell me. If it's a embarrassing story I'm sure I can supply you with one of my own that's equally as embarrassing." Dabi said he looked up at the sky as well. "Beautiful day ain't it?" Dabi asked he sat his food down to lay back in the grass.

"Yeah, it is." Tomura said he looked at Dabi then back at the sky. "I know something else that's beautiful to." Dabi said he wasn't looking at the sky anymore Tomura realized but at him. " I think your gaze is on the wrong spot Dabi." Tomura said he felt Dabi take his hand in his one and squeeze it.

"Nah I'm looking in the right place. You're beautiful Tomura." Dabi said Tomura felt a blush rise to his cheeks. He looked over at Dabi to see if his trademark smirk was one his face. It was absent though he was grinning slightly a genuine smile. He was telling the truth even if Tomura didn't believe what he said Dabi believed it.

Tomura swallowed, "I don't see it but okay." Tomura said he looked away self conscious all of a sudden. "Anyways, how about you tell me about what made you smile earlier." Dabi said trying to change the subject so Tomura wouldn't get upset.

"When I was little I wanted to be a super hero. So, the flag reminded me of a cape." Tomura said he looked at Dabi expecting him to judge him. Dabi chuckled he looked at Tomura fondly. "No way I did to!" Dabi said they both burst out laughing at their younger selves.

"Let's go home, yeah?" Dabi asked as he sat up. "Yeah." Tomura said he took Dabi's offered hand to help him get up. They both listened to Dabi's playlist on the way home they both were smiling constantly from them both making jokes trying to get each other to laugh.

"This was a good day." Dabi said he inserted his keys to unlock the door. The door opened getting no response from Tomura Dabi turned around confused. "Tomura?" He asked wondering why his friend hadn't answered him. Dabi saw Tomura now where he looked around panicked. Dabi felt chills go down his spine as he heard a scream. It was Tomura.

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