In the Great Hall

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 Remus Lupin was sitting in the front of the Great Hall with his fellow professor's, eating dinner. While eating, he carefully scanned the third row where the Gryffindors sat. His eyes came across Hermione...Ron...Neville...even Ginny, but there was no sign of Harry anywhere. Lupin tried to calm his urge to spring up, and go searching for Harry. For the last few days, Harry hadn't showed up to dinner. Now that he thought about it, even during breakfast (where Harry actually showed up) Harry never seemed to eat that much. 'I'll ask Ron and Hermione after dinner.' Lupin settled. 

 The time was getting late, and most of the students had returned to their common rooms. Ron and Hermione as well, had gotten up and were getting ready to leave. Just as they stepped out of the Great Hall, they heard their professor "Ah, Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley!" They turned around to see their new DADA teacher, Remus Lupin. "Yes professor Lupin?" Hermione responded. "So sorry to bother you guys. However, I simply couldn't think of anyone better to ask this other than you guys. Do any of you perhaps know where Mr. Potter might be?"

 "He said he wasn't hungry, so only me and Hermione came." Ron said, and soon muttered under his breath "I honestly don't get how he isn't hungry after that terrible class with Snape though..." Hermione gave him a silent stare which he missed. Lupin decided not to respond to that and said "How is it that he hasn't been feeling hungry for the past week or so..?" "We're honestly worried about him as well..." Hermione spoke in a concerned tone. "I told him that this isn't healthy, but he just said that he wasn't hungry and that he was fine."

 Remus was growing more concerned as well, but did a pretty good job of concealing it from Hermione and Ron. "Well, please tell Mr. Potter that if he continues to not show up, I will go looking for him and drag him here if necessary." The last part got Ron giggling, but Hermione spoke quite seriously "Of course professor."

 On the way back, Ron bursted out laughing "Is professor Lupin REALLY going to drag Harry to dinner? That'd be quite a sight wouldn't it 'mione?" Hermione was starting to get irritated and shouted "Ronald! Your friend isn't eating and you're seriously laughing?" She lowered her voice and continued "Professor Lupin cares very deeply about Harry, and he'll probably do anything as long as it's for the good of Harry."

-After Hermione and Ron get to the common room-

 "Harry!" Hermione cried out. Harry was sitting on his bed and startled after hearing Hermione. He quickly hid the razor under his pillow, which thankfully went unnoticed by both of them. "Hermione, you know that you don't have to scream for me to hear you right?" Harry spoke in a rather frustrated tone. "Oops...sorry Harry, but professor Lupin wanted me to tell you something." Harry raised an eyebrow "Lupin?"

 "Professor Lupin" Hermione corrected. "Anyways, he said that if you continue to not show up for dinner, he'll drag you to the Great Hall to eat" Harry, like Ron, couldn't help but laugh. "He'll drag me? Well don't worry Hermione, I'll eat." Hermione, who was mad at how the boys weren't taking Lupin's words seriously, huffed "Good." and stormed off to the girls bedroom.

-The next morning-

 Harry practically dragged himself out of bed, and slumped to the Great Hall. He seated himself next to Ron. Hermione was sitting on the other side of Ron and eating Cheery Owls (aka cereal). Harry met eyes with Lupin who was sitting between other professors, and Lupin gave a small smile. Reluctantly, harry placed some scrambled eggs on his plate and began eating. Harry wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around him until Hermione spoke up. "Harry! I said, did you write the essay for professor Snape?!" It took Harry a moment until he understood what Hermione had said "We had an essay?!" Hermione, who gave Harry an I-expected-better-from-you kind of look said "Yes, we had to write about the antidote for Doxy venom!" Harry looked fazed for a moment until he mumbled " looks like I've just secured a detention for myself..."

 Hermione sighed and said "Harry what's been going on with you lately? Even Ron wrote his essay!" Ron gave Hermione a slightly offended look, which Hermione simply ignored. "Sorry, I forgot about it ok?" Harry didn't look too bothered. Hermione was about to continue bugging Harry about it until Harry abruptly got up. "Look guys, I should really get ready for class, I've got Transfiguration and I need to go get my book. I'll see you then ok?"

 Harry got up and walked to the common room. He had plenty of time. He simply didn't want to listen to Hermione's lecture of how he should do his homework. Little did he know, that Remus Lupin was eyeing, and listening to the whole situation in the Great Hall. After all, his eyesight and hearing were better than average people, thanks to him being a werewolf. Remus planned to have a talk with Harry later that day after class...

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