Remus in the past (pt 2)

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Minerva arrived as soon as Poppy turned her head.

"What's wrong dear?" McGonagall asked. Poppy gave her a death stare and said "See for yourself." while she slowly lifted Remus' sleeves.

McGonagall was too stunned to even speak. "Are those..." Minerva felt pain beyond anything she had ever felt. One of her best and favorite students had been going through so much, and she was blind to it this whole time. "You were...right. I never should have added the extra weight on his shoulders...With his transformations and all, of course, the boy would break at one point or another..."

Poppy was still glaring as she said "Too bad you couldn't come to that conclusion a bit earlier. However, now is not the time to talk about that. What do we do Minerva...?"

"Well, you're the expert Poppy." McGonagall was looking at her with desperate eyes. "I suggest informing Remus' professors about this, only the ones he trusts of course. I'll heal him as much as I can, but you'll have to make sure he doesn't do this again. And we'll have to find out if he's struggling with depression too, though I think it seems quite obvious...."

Skip to when Remus wakes up

Madam Pomfrey had trusted Remus with Minerva, and left. After all, she was the head of his house.

Remus woke up to see a worried look on his professor's face. "Professor McGonagall...?" He asked in a groggy voice. "What brought you here professor?" McGonagall couldn't bear to look at Remus' eyes. They seemed so...dead. "er-Remus, Pop-Madam Pomfrey was tending to you as normal when she...noticed something." Remus raised an eyebrow. "Remus...have you been struggling recently..? I am not here to judge you, nor am I here to force things out of you. However, I sincerely wish to help you with whatever you're going through." Minerva said softly as she took Remus's left hand.

Then it hit Remus. She had seen. Both Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall knew about his cuts. Who knew what they would do next? Remus' eyes started to shake, and his mind was going blank. This couldn't be happening. Sure, he wanted help deep down,  but once it had happened, he was denial.


Remus' flashback ended, and he found his mind back in the classroom.

Then it hit him: Harry was probably in the same state as he was, or worse. He couldn't really blame Harry though. I mean, after everything the poor boy had been through...

Remus pulled his left sleeve up and looked at the faded scars.

"I'm going to help you Harry..." Remus muttered.

With the help of Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now