He knows

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1 week later at 2:45am

Lupin was headed for (what he would call) a late night walk. It was nothing much. Just walking through the corridor, and sometimes stopping by the astronomy tower or the black lake. He just had a few things on his mind, and the cool night air always seemed to clear his mind- at least for a while. He was just walking past moaning myrtle's bathroom, when he suddenly bumped into someone.

"Harry...?" It was dark. But Lupin could never mistake the silhouette of his friend's son. "Harry, what are you doing out this late at night?" Harry looked as baffled as him and answered. "Uh...sorry Rem-professor. I just needed the loo"

"And you felt the need to come all the way down to the second floor because....?" Remus knew it was a lie. It was too obvious. There was absolutely no reason for Harry to come down all the way here. Nonetheless, Remus still helped Harry get off of the floor.

*cling* Just then he heard it. The clear sound of metal hitting the ground. He also saw Harry hastily picking up something, while trying to hide it at the same time.

(Quick) Harry's POV

*Shit... please let him not have heard that....pleasepleaseplease...* 

"...Well Harry, you should head back. It's really late, and...well I suppose there are no classes tomorrow but still..."

Did Remus somehow miss that? Maybe he was finally getting lucky. (for once)

"Yeah...right, I'll be going then"

Shit...That was close. Way too close. Remus could have seen that. Or maybe...or maybe he did and was just ignoring it. Well either way he didn't question it so...

Back again

Remus watched as Harry half walked, half ran up the stairs. The thing Harry dropped... Remus had a pretty good suspicion of what it was. But he also knew that Harry would't have admitted it. He'd have to ask him in the morning. Maybe invite him for tea or something.

But he was certain now that Harry was...self-harming.

Like he had...when he was young...

Remus would have to plan the confrontation carefully. When he first got caught, he just...locked the whole world out. Nothing that anyone said reached him. The shock and disbelief of being caught...He just wasn't able to function normally for a while.

He would have to be extremely careful. He would have to repeatedly show Harry that he cared. Not just because it was his job. But because he really did care for Harry from the bottom of his heart. And he mustn't pressure Harry. It would only make him more distant.

Remus knew how...awkward Harry would feel. To have someone close to you find out...It just makes you feel awkward and weird around them after that.

While walking back, Remus kept trying to plan out what to say. Even when he got to bed, he just couldn't get his mind off of Harry.

Well...at least tomorrow was Saturday. 

That leaves him 2 days to approach him.

Approach, and hopefully talk to as well.

With the help of Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now