Remus' deliberation

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Remus' POV

How am I going to help him..? Will he even accept my help...or anything I say at all..? He might push me away...

Remus did swear that he was going to do whatever it takes to help Harry. But...he was simply stuck. He didn't know how to approach Harry. He was treading on ('extremely thin' might he add) ice. One wrong move and he could say goodbye to opening Harry's heart. "Just think simple."

"What would I have wanted?"

Actually, that was a pretty good way to start. What would he have wanted if he were in the same situation? Or more like...what had he wanted in the past..? When he had been confronted...all those years ago...


"Mr Lupin, are you following what I'm saying?" It was the voice of Professor McGonagall...probably. Remus was trying desperately to phase himself out of the world. For goodness sake, that was the one thing he was good at! He always phased out during classes! He was always in his own head, oblivious to his surroundings...That's what earned him a scolding so many times! Why couldn't he do it now?! At his own will..when he desperately needed to...

Remus slowly nodded his head. (He couldn't leave Professor McGonagall hanging forever after all) "Anyways, as I was saying, Mr Lupin you do know that I'll be here whenever you need right..?" McGonagall's tone had gotten much softer.

"..Yes Professor..."

"Then please Mr Lupin, could you enlighten me if not all, at least a little bit of what has been causing you such distress..?"

No no no...You promised not to push...


That was the first thing on his not-to-do-list. Pushing Harry for a response. It just made one feel more...pressured. Which in result, made one more distant from others as a way of...protecting oneself. Shielding themselves from more pain and misery; the weird looks and feeling of pity that were soon to follow.

Remus had also wanted...confirmation. Confirmation that he wasn't alone. That people weren't just pitying him, but actually caring for him. He could...share his story. Yeah, he would do that. He would show Harry that...

What point was he trying to prove anyway? That he understood? Not really. He just wanted to share a common ground with Harry. It would make things so much easier...

But...he didn't have to plan all of this out. In fact, if he did, his words would seem too...calculated. Robotic even. Remus had been in Harry's shoes before. He knew what to do...Or more like, his instincts would guide him while talking to Harry. He just had to make sure that Harry saw he was being genuine, from the bottom of his heart. 

He was overthinking this whole time! He didn't need some CIA-worthy plan. He already had the answer in him. His heart already knew what to say. Or, would the near future...when he's talking with Harry. Right?

Breakfast would be served in 27 minutes. Most of the students would be there.

And Remus had a certain boy to spend the day with...

With the help of Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now