Unveiling secrets (pt 1)

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"Harry, how have you been...truly? "

It was over for him. Remus had noticed. He knew and now he would never look at him the same. The sad, miserable boy who lived cuts himself up. What would Remus think of him... The one person he had in his life. The only one who was somewhat of a parental figure... 

Why did bad things always happen to him..?


He tried to move his mouth to say 'I'm fine' but he simply couldn't. His mouth wouldn't move. 

No, he had chosen to not say it.

 He... didn't want to lie anymore. He desperately wanted to scream out for help. He wanted Remus' help. He wanted to break down and tell Remus everything, but his voice seemed to be broken. 

It was like his soul was split into two. One part of him, the exhausted, worn-out part of him wanted to let it all out. He wanted to let go of all the burden... He wanted to let himself be taken care of for once. 

But the other side of him was stopping him from doing that. 'You can't trust anyone! What if he eventually grows tired of you, and decides that you're not worth the time? You know he will. You're filled to the brim with too many problems. Not even Lupin would be patient enough to pull you out from the tangly mess of your own life.'

Harry looked up, eye to eye with Remus, and silently began to sob. 

Remus moved his hand over Harry's and firmly held it without any other word.

A few minutes passed, and Remus finally spoke up; "Harry, I will not push you to show me anything. However, I hope that with time, you will slowly be able to open your heart to me. Just be reminded that I will always be here for you, even if it means waiting for years before you trust me enough to share your story."

The walls behind Harry's eyes,

they were falling down

With the help of Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now