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*In the common room*

Harry had barely gotten up this morning. He was exhausted, and wasn't even hungry so he told himself "Why go to breakfast?". He would have just slept in if it weren't for Hermione.

"Harry, get up! Breakfast is going to be served anytime now!" Hermione said as she yanked the sheets off of Harry. Or more like gently lowered, but it felt like the blanket was being yanked away OK?

"...Why did Godric Gryffindor have to trust girls to not intrude into the boys dormitories...." Harry half mumbled.

"Harry! You are not skipping breakfast again."

"Yeah mate, there's no way you aren't hungry right now. You know, that excuse is starting to run its course." Great, even Ron was with Hermione.

"Fine fine, I'll head to breakfast with you guys. Just...give me room to change will you?" Harry asked in a totally not sarcastic way. 

*At the great hall*

Harry was sitting in between Hermione and Ron, and was helping himself to some omelets. "So Harry, what are you planning to do today? It's a Saturday, so you should probably finish up some homework, but knowing you guys, you and Ronald are probably not going to do that." Hermione said in a matter of fact tone. "-ut? 'ey what are you attacking me for?" said Ron with a mouth full of food.

"I er- don't really have anything planned, so I'll probably just wander the corridors or something...I guess?"

Just then Remus Lupin appeared behind Harry. "Harry! Good to see you're eating breakfast. But anyways, I wanted to invite you for some tea later? Around 1 perhaps?" All three of them turned around to face Lupin.

"Oh this is wonderful Harry! You were just talking about how you had nothing planned and no offense, but by the sounds of it, you were going to spend a rather unproductive day."

"Wow, thank you so much for the compliment Hermione. But uh, sure professor. Was there anything specific you wanted me for though?"

"Nothing in particular Harry, just a friendly talk is all." So yes, what if Remus had straight up lied to Harry's face? It's not like he could specify here, not in front of everyone anyways.

"Well, I'll see you in my classroom Harry." and with that, Remus Lupin left the great hall.

"What do you think he wants to talk about, mate?" Ron was looking at Harry now.

"I dunno...I guess I'll find out later. Look guys, I'm really full and I'm gonna head back, but you two take your time, OK?" Harry then stood up, and he as well, headed out the doors.

Harry walked through the corridors, and was now going up the stairs. In all honesty, they never failed to amaze witches and wizards, including himself who had climbed it thousands of times. (Luckily) The stairs seemed to work with him, and brought him straight to the portrait guarding the Gryffindor common room. "Fortuna Major."

*In Lupin's classroom 12:45*

'I wonder what kind of tea Harry likes?' Lupin was getting ready for Harry's visit. Eh, English breakfast tea was a classic, and he couldn't go wrong with a classic right? Normally, Lupin would have laid out biscuits, but it was of his knowledge that Harry had a particular liking for Treacle Tart. He had just finished laying out the spread when he heard a knock on the door. "The door is open!"

Harry peeked his head in first, then proceeded to walk towards the table and sit down. Due to the fact that it was a Saturday, he was wearing a grey turtleneck along with jeans. 

"Harry, your timing couldn't have been better!" Remus sat down as well. 

Harry gave a slight smile and proceeded to ask; "Well, professor...What exactly did you want to talk about?"

Remus gave it thought for a second. Should he be blunt and get straight to the point? Or should he start with some small talk and slowly work his way there? point in taking the long route, right?

" see Harry, I was hoping to talk about something I noticed during our little...running-into-each-other last night."


With the help of Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now