Remus in the past (pt 1)

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Remus in his 5th year

 "I can't breathe. It's all too much"

"Everything...OWLs, prefect, classes...."

"Oh, and of course...I'm a monster..."

"Hey...HEY! Moony! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Sirius could plainly see that his friend (boyfriend...? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was spiraling into his own thoughts.

 It was a Saturday morning. 6:30 to be precise. Sirius was never much of a morning person, but he had woken to see his best friend (Crush..? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) staring out into the distance. This wasn't much of an odd behavior, as Moony tended to do this quite often, but today something just He somehow looked...sad.

 Moony did always give off glum vibes, but today he could tell that it was worse than usual. All this stress seemed to be getting to him. After all, he had patrolling duties, OWLs coming up, not to mention all the homework that professors have been giving, plus his monthly...furry problems. He probably gets less than 3hours of sleep each day!

 "Are you alright?" Sirius asked one more time. 

 Remus finally snapped out of it and answered "Hmm? Oh, um yeah...I'm alright...Just didn't sleep well." 


Life had been dragging on and on for remus, and he hated every moment of it. His mind was a different world, a desolate one. No one could save him, no one could even reach him, and of course, no one would even notice. Remus was sure of it. He absolutely knew that no one would notice how he was feeling.

 His mental health was like an egg, and the egg had been thrown to the wall, ending up shattered in pieces. You see, the thing about egg shells is that they simply can't be put together again, unlike glass shards. At this point, Remus was so lost. He didn't know how to begin getting himself together. With each passing day, Remus' urge to die increased, but he felt so desperate at the same time.

 He wanted someone to save him. He truly wanted to believe that someone out there would care about him, and offer a helping hand. He just...wanted that so badly.

After the full moon

 The full moon was gone, and Remus was finally free from being a werewolf again. (Unless you don't know, Madam Pomfrey would tend to him after his transformations.) He was sleeping in a bed with the curtains shut. As usual, Madam Pomfrey brought some ointment, potions, and bandages to heal Remus up.

 However, Madam Pomfrey noticed...cuts on his wrists? And these definitely weren't earned during his transformation. They were just too...clean. Almost as if they had been self inflicted... Then it hit Madam Pomfrey: Remus had self harmed. Oh she was going to kill Minerva, she told her that making Remus a prefect would add too much pressure on the boy! And yet what did she do? She went ahead and made him a prefect! Now look at the poor boy!

 Poppy sent a floo message to Minerva right away.

"Minerva, come to the hospital wing this instant!"

 Within seconds, Minerva had appeared.

"What's wrong Poppy?"

Aaaaaand cut, I'll make a part 2 to this <3

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