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Jadon's POV
We left Cloud9 just a little after 11pm, I was getting bored and really wanted to leave anyways. The girls who joined us were very uninteresting, and were tryna take this further. Jesse took advantage of that, of course. Marcus was more concentrated on his phone the whole time and I was tryna avoid conversation with the brunette who had basically sat herself on my lap. After a few dead replies, she had given up on chatting to me. I was starting to miss Melissa and didn't feel comfortable being around any other girls. So I'm glad me and Marcus walked out of there.


Melissa's POV
I rested my head on Naima's lap, as she stroked my hair. We were in my room, on my bed but I felt like I was trapped in a box and couldn't breathe. My anxiety was severe and I just couldn't calm down. Why do I always repeat the same mistakes? Why do I always end up hurting? Naima softly lifts up my face, looking into my sad eyes.

"He's not worth it. He's just like Lemar. I knew it the minute I saw him." I lay there, just listening to her.

Jadon wasn't anything like Lemar tho, I don't think any man could put me through worse than Lemar did. But I didn't have the strength to argue back so I simply remained quiet. Until we heard the front door swing open, followed by loud laughter. I look at Naima and panic,
"They're back."

She nods, "It's okay, I'll go down and tell them you're sleeping."

"Melissa?" Marcus shouts from downstairs.

"Just stay here." Naima says, slowly making her way downstairs.

I didn't wanna see Jadon right now. And I couldn't force the images from the club out of my mind either. He seemed to have a lot of fun being around women so I don't think he means anything he says. Maybe Naima was right, he's not for me. I've been through this shit already and know how it would end. I should just let it go.

"You're sleeping huh?"

I drag myself up from the bed and look up, noticing Jadon, he was slightly tipsy and his face lit up when he saw me.
When did he get here?
Why did Naima not stop him?


"Get out."

He raises his eyebrows, "Why you so rude?"

"I just wanna be alone."

He didn't quite understand that, because he walked over to the bed and sat next to me, his stare fixated on me. "I'll leave you alone,"

"Good, Do that then."

"But, only if you tell me what's wrong."

I look at him in disbelief. What the fuck is this don thinking? He's the reason why I'm feeling like this and has the guts to ask what's wrong. I was triggered, to say the least.

"None of your business."

He laughs, running a hand through my hair.

"I'd appreciate if you could stop, you know." I say, making sure there was enough space between us as I move away from him.

He continues to eye me up, and bites his lip.

"You drive me insane."


He grabs my hand, placing it on his chest so I could feel his heartbeat.

"Look what you do to me, woman."

I couldn't believe this guy. He's taking advantage of the way I feel and has the audacity to play games with me and wind me up. As if I hadn't just seen him rub on some skets and laugh along with them.

"If you have unfinished business with someone then go finish it and leave me the fuck alone."

"No, can you not see? I'm into you?"

"You're such a fucking liar."

"I'm anything but a fucking liar."

"Really? Just go back to your skets, I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

"What skets?"

"You know what, actually, save that shit for yourself. I don't even wanna know."

"It's not like that M, I swear. They don't mean shit. They're not you, never could be you."

"Say that shit to your hoes, maybe they'll believe you."

He kisses his teeth, still trying to receive the eye contact that I was avoiding so much.

"Look at me."

I grunt, the more he talked, the more I was getting irritated.

"Just once, fucking look at me."

I met his gaze, and he couldn't help but smile, moving closer to me. So close that I could feel his breath on me.

His dark orbs scan my face, as he turns to me and says, "Melissa, I-I ain't like that, I promise you."

I look at him, unsure if I even wanna speak to him. I don't think he can do anything to make up for his behavior. But he manages to surprise me everytime.

"Just trust me." He murmurs in my ear.

Within seconds, his plump lips found their way to mine in a passionate, but short kiss. I don't hesitate to pull away, even though it felt so good. But I was still mad.

"You call that a kiss?"

Jadon lets out a giggle. "I'm nervous, okay."

I get up from the bed but he grabs my arm,

"Wait, don't go."

I roll my eyes, "I'm done talking to you. What else you gotta say?"

"You ain't mad at me for kissing you, right?"

I shrug.

He gets up, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me in closer,

"I don't deserve you, but I need you in my life."

I pout, "Whatever."

His eyes burned into mine, and I forgot about everything else for a minute.

"I can't let you be mad at me."
Jadon smirks, as his fingers traced my collarbone.

I sigh, burying my face in his hoodie.

"I'll be mad if I want to."

"If I have done anything that upset you, it won't happen again, I promise," He says, biting his lip. The eye contact was making me feel some type of way.

I look down, starting to feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

He lifts my chin, glancing down at my face, "You don't even know how fucking fine you are."

I felt him slide his hand up my short dress, and his lips placed peppered kisses down my neck. A shiver ran through my body, awakening a desire that I did not want to feel right now. I grab his hand, hoping he'd stop, but he was enjoying himself way too much. I saw the hunger in his eyes, and knew this has to stop right here.

"My brother is downstairs!"

"And? He won't hear anything."

"Yes he will. Or worse if he sees."

"I wouldn't even last that long." He laughs, fixing himself up.

I pull my dress down, and wipe the smudged lip gloss from my chin as his eyes were feasting on me.

"I better go before I end up undressing you."

"You're not leaving without a proper goodbye." I say, making sure my lips taste his again before he leaves.


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