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Melissa's POV

I woke up in a good mood the following morning, the sun shining on my face through the window next to my bed. I sit up, still groggy and the pain between my legs reminded me of the sinful deed I've done last night. I shuddered.
He was gentle but I haven't done anything like that in a long time.

Marcus and I were chilling in the house until around 5 pm, we watched movies and made dinner together, as per usual.

Until he got a phone call from someone and looked thrilled when he hung up.

"Who made you so happy?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.

He smiles, "It's not who called, it's what they said."

"Well, I'm all ears."

Marcus laughs, shaking his head.
"Nah I can't repeat that shit, But I gotta step out, dunno when I'll be back."

I nod, "Alright, have fun."
He gives me a quick hug before leaving.

I glance at my phone, hoping to see a message from Jadon. But he hasn't replied yet, so I thought about what I could do to kill some time and not be bored and alone.

Deciding to go take a bath, I make my way upstairs to the bathroom, light up a few candles around the bathtub and get undressed.
I soak in the warm water and just chill, it helped me ease my mind a lot.

It felt so good, that I was becoming sleepy and tired. It was too early to hit the bed though, and I was bored and had no one to talk to.

I climb out of the tub, dry myself off with the towel, moisturize and slip into silk pyjamas. Then, I go back downstairs to get snacks and settle on the couch, scrolling through Netflix. There wasn't anything interesting, so I pull out my phone and check my socials. Nothing new to see there too.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I press on the notification.

I couldn't wait to see him, and have him all to myself

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I couldn't wait to see him, and have him all to myself. I rush into the bathroom upstairs to apply perfume and fix myself up. Taking a last look in the mirror, I head back down.

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to open it, twisting the keys. Our eyes greet each other, and I pull him inside. I wait for him to sit, and when he does, I take a seat on his lap.

He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug, and he gives me a quick kiss.

"You smell so good."

"If you didn't come, I'd probably be dozing off in the tub."

"I wouldn't waste a chance like this."

"We don't have to worry about Marcus no more." I say.

"He's on a date."

"A date? He never even told me."

"Well, there shouldn't be any interruptions." Jadon grins, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze.

His touch on my skin brung out the flashbacks from the night before. I longed to be touched and caressed by him.

"I couldn't stop thinking about last night." He whispers against my collarbone making me shudder.

"And how bad I wanna repeat it." He adds.

I lower my head, "No rush, we've got time."

He lifts my chin up, glancing at me with smouldering heat in his eyes.

"Don't make me wait, when I'm so desperate for you."

Jadon's lips bruise mine, sucking and biting, his tongue dips into my mouth with wild strokes that coax a moan from deep within me.

He slid the satin down over my shoulders until my breasts sprung free, heavy with want and need unfulfilled.
His hands seemed to understand and cupped them, teasing my nipples between two fingers until they hardened for him.

"Get up."

I do as he says, and he guides me to the couch,
"Face down, ass up, come on."

I whimpered and arched against him, feeling his bulge through his jeans. I turn my head and watch as he smoothly tugs my shorts down, right down to my knees, revealing the black lace panties with a smirk on his lips.

"You drive me insane with that ass."

He slid a finger along my clit, moving my panties to the side.
All my mind wanted was to be screwed into oblivion.
Just the thought of it made me weak in the knees.

He grabbed my hair and twisted it around in his hand, and the other hand was fumbling with his jeans. I knew what was coming next, and I was so ready.

Within seconds, I felt inch after inch of his member stretching my entrance. I relaxed
to let him in, but the pain was much worse than yesterday and it made me grunt.

In the desperate hammering, the slap of his thighs against mine, his fingers wrapped in my hair, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was too sensitive with him.

He slowed down, his pace steady now and let go of my hair, instead grasping my hips as he continued to bump into me. After several strokes, he had pulled out and emptied himself on my spine.

"Shit, I needed that." Jadon muttered, still breathing heavily, helping me get up from the couch.

"And I need to get cleaned up." I laugh,
grabbing his hand, and leading the way to the bathroom upstairs.

"You're gonna help me, aren't you?"

He grins in response.

"Wait here then, I'll be right back." I say, as I stroll into my room and grab a T-shirt and some shorts. Then I run over to Marcus's room and grab something for Jadon to change into.

I rejoin him in the bathroom shortly, our gazes hold for a moment, and I give the glass door a tug. It rattles and vibrates when it opens, making a loud noise that echoes through the bathroom.

I step into the shower, and let the warm water wash over me. I was relaxed and drowsy.

I could hear the glass sliding behind me, and felt the warmth of his skin against mine.
His lips on my neck, quickly finding my weak spot.

"You're so beautiful." He murmurs against my ear, our bodies pressed onto eachother in the warm rain.


My eyes were trying to adjust to the darkness of my room. My heart was pounding in my chest as I took a deep breath.

I didn't remember the dream I had woken up from, but I was convinced it wasn't a pleasant one. I was glad I wasn't alone and seeing Jadon sleeping peacefully next to me made me much calmer.

I cuddled closer to him, and he moved closer and smiled in his sleep.


hi darlings <3

It's been a while, ik ik.
But I'm bringing you this chapter in hopes that you won't stay mad at me for my inconsistency.

Now that ole has been sacked, hopefully our boys will regain their forms and get some playing time.

thank you for your time x
- V

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