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Melissa's POV
When I opened my eyes the following morning, I heard Jadon's voice, softly saying my name. I realized that we were still on FaceTime and reached for my phone right away, and he flashes his pearly whites at me.

"Morning sexy."

"You're sexy."

"No, you."

Jude tilts the phone towards him, wanting to be engaged in the conversation as well,
"No, I'm sexy."

"Jude, meet Melissa, Melissa this is Jude."

"Hey." I greet.

"Nice to meet you, miss."

"Likewise, so what did you guys do yesterday?"

"Well, do you want the summary or full details?" Jude asks, giving his cute smile.

I shrug, and Jadon sighs at him,
"We smoked weed, drank and went out. Usual things we do back in Manny."

"We do a lot of things in Manny." I remind him with a smirk.

"If you mean the most recent thing we did, then shit, I'm catching the early flight and coming back to you."

We share a laugh, leaving Jude confused.

"You must be treating him good, cause doesn't shut up about you."

"She does, trust me." Jadon assured him.

"I bet bare man are onto you, why would you be with him? He ain't nun special."
Jude says to me, and Jadon gets irritated of his presence.

"Get the fuck out of here before I bounce your head off the wall."

Jude laughs hysterically, giving me a quick wave before giving the phone to Jadon and disappearing.

I laugh, "So what you gonna do today?"

"My friend wants me to go see him, so I'll probably just chill at his. And you?"

"I had a party to go to, but Naima called and asked me to come over and I'm trying to convince Jesse to accompany me."

"He's going with you?"


"That's good, I know Jesse will take care of you."

"I prefer you taking care of me."

"I'd take care of you all night."

I grin, "You just know what to say."

He laughs, and looks me in the eyes.
"What was my life before I met you?"

"Probably miserable."


"Go, but call me later, okay?"

"Okay, love."

I lay in bed, smiling to myself at the thought that tomorrow night he's gonna be with me again. Being away from him, even for a few days, made me realize that the love I have for him is deeper than I've ever had for anyone.
I've never craved someone's presence, touch or voice more.


Jadon's POV

Jude strolled in once we finished talking and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How'd you pull her?"

"I don't even know, man."

"She's fit, does Marcus have any other sisters?"

•𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 • (𝙅𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙣 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙝𝙤)Where stories live. Discover now