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Jadon's POV

I thought a lot. And came to a conclusion.
Melissa lost trust in me, and trust is the hardest thing to retrieve.

I left her house in a hurry, not even saying goodbye, I just had images of what happened on her bed in my mind.

I shouldn't have.
But my emotions drive me crazy lately.

I love her, but it's exhausting, constantly explaining myself and apologising for something I haven't done.

I knew what I had to do, but I just needed to find the right words, and the right time.

It's gonna be better for both of us..

I walked home, leaving my car parked right outside her house, I didn't wanna drive.

Fresh air would do me some good, even if it's a short walk.

I reach for the pre roll in my pocket, and pull it out.

Mary Jane was the only thing keeping me sane lately.

I light it up and take a long, full draw.

As I exhale, and everything starts to become blurry slowly, I keep walking until I reach my door.

Twisting the key, my mind imagines her body on mine, slowly hip thrusting me.

Her moans and shudders.

I close the door behind me, making my way to my bed as soon as posible. I throw myself on the bed, reaching for the phone in my pocket and send the text.


Melly's POV

I was still in my room, thinking about Jadon.
His scent on me was not helping me take my mind off of him.

I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling and wondering, until Marcus swung by my door and lightly tapped on it.

"You wanna grab something to eat?"

"When did you come back?" I ask.

"A few minutes ago, I wasn't far from home."

"Uhm, well, I'm still pissed at you, so go grab something without me."

Marcus laughs, "Jadon is always welcome here. Whether you are on good terms or not. And you should stop being ridiculous and work this out."

I huff, "So you're siding with him? Nice."

"No, i'm just trying to help you guys out.
He did not cheat on you, Melissa. Not every guy is like Lemar."

I side-eye Marcus, knowing he's right.

"Honestly, Mel, talk to him."

I sigh, grabbing my phone, wanting to call Jadon, when in fact, he had already texted me.

I read the message over and over again.
And felt as if my chest was going to explode.

"Is everything okay?" Marcus asked, probably freaked out by the look on my face.

I show him the phone, and he squints trying to read the message.

"Hmm, you knew it was coming. You're stubborn as fuck, but I'm sure things will still work between you." Marcus said, half cheering me up, half adding to the heat.

He wrapped an arm around me and watched me cry..

Jadon's POV

I could've sworn I was having a dream where I heard knocks on the door.

But the pounding only got louder, and it woke me up.

I rush downstairs to see who it was.

I hoped it was her.

I twist the lock and the door swings open,
A worried Jesse looks at me, and says,
"You're fucking sleeping?!"

I sigh, "No, I was counting sheep."

He laughs,
"With the stuff I brought, you will not only be counting sheep, but all kinds of fucking animals."

Jesse steps inside, and closes the door behind him.

I look at him, half asleep.

"Bro, I don't wanna smoke."

He gives me a side-eye.

"Don't be a pussy."

I take him into the kitchen, he takes a seat at the table and pulls out a bag of weed, papers and a lighter. He starts making a joint while I scan the fridge for something to eat.

"That was a pussy move, I can't lie." Jesse mutters.


"You broke up with Mel."

Great. He just had to remind me.

"Yeah, it's what's best for us, you know.
Trust is a very hard thing to rebuild and she didn't even wanna try."

Jesse stops for a moment and looks at me.

"I'm really trying to understand both of you.
But, you guys are in love."

"Yeah, sometimes love isn't enough to keep two poeple together, Jesse."



Hello my beauties <3

How much do you hate me?
I know how long i didnt upload for and I'm terribly sorry.

I have had a rough time in my own life.
I have been so unmotivated to write.

But i feel like things are coming back to norm.

I will be posting as often as its possible, but believe me it aint easy, working from morning till night, while trying to have a life, and healing my heart all at the same time :(

Thank you for bearing with me



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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