Chapter 10

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At a playground in the middle of Bonesborough. Several baby-track Hexside students are there. A sign at the front gate reads "THE SLAYGROUND funded by the Bonesborough department of parks & wreck". There was a sign above a bench that reads "ALL BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS MUST BE LEASHED." Eda and Luz are sitting on a bench under the sign. Y/n was leaning on a wall with Jiksha wrapped around his neck, she was currently hiding under Y/n's new scarf which he got from Eda. He liked it, the scarf wasn't too long and the best part was it had the pattern of scales so it matches his whole snake theme.

Luz: "What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? My parental instincts are freaking out, man."

She said to Eda and Y/n, all three looked over to see King trying to climb up a slide but was failing. Y/n raises a brow while Jiksha slowly poked her head out from the scarf, she seems to look around the area before going back down and resting. Jiksha has been on high alert about something, but Y/n can't seem to find out about what.

Y/n: "Luz the best thing that can happen is that a kid thinks he's a stuffed animal...Then try to rub boogers on him."

Luz: "How is that the best thing?!"

This caused Eda to snicker at the two, meanwhile, King was slowly making his way up the slide using his small claws for help.

Eda: "No matter what, he's fine."

Luz: "It does look like he's having fun, I wonder what he is playing."

She said, and Y/n watches as King makes it to the top of the slide. King turns to face the children that were playing before he spoke up with his tiny voice.

King: "This is a throne worthy of a tyrant. Bow to me you snotty underlings. Bow!"

The children stopped what they were doing before looking at each other, and thinking it was a game just do as they were told. They bowed in their way one does a handstand while the other does a backbend.

King: "Yes, appease your master."

Usurper: "This isn't for standing, it's for sliding. You try."

He said to King before shoving him off his "throne" and King rolls down the slide before landing on the ground. He quickly gets up before running over to Eda, Luz, and Y/n while screaming the older witch's name out.

King: "Eda! That monster took my throne."

Y/n: "You mean the baby?"

King: "No, the usurper!"

He yelled at the boy while pointing over to Usurper, who was riding a spring rider. Y/n covered his mouth before laughing a little bit and Luz little jabbed him in the side.

King: "Eda, I want you to go over there and blow him up. Kaboom!"

Usurper: "Kaboom!"

He copied, King only making the little demon madder at the kid. Eda looks at King like he is crazy, she reaches over to her staff only to unscrew Owlbert from the staff. Eda holds Owlbert in her hands like he was a baby, before responding to King.

Eda: " Yeah, I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five‐year‐old. He's got better things to do. Like this..."


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