Chapter 3

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It was another day at the owl house, and Y/n was a little frustrated today wasn't his day. First Luz rudely woke him up, next he couldn't eat breakfast because of King. And now he is picking up trash from a trash slug. The one thing that calmed him down was a library, a nice quiet place to read, but he didn't know where one is on the Isle.

Y/n: "Eda as fun as picking up trash from a dead trash slug is. Do you think you can tell me where a library is?"

Eda: "Library, huh? Well lucky for I need some books to return. Go back to the owl house and return them to Bonesborough Library."

She looked behind her to see that Y/n was already gone, the second he heard where the library was he ran. When he got inside the place, you could see a single tear go down his face. He saw someone at a podium and just guessing he is the librarian.

Y/n: "Hello I'm new here, do you think you can point me in the direction to books about Magic basics?"

Y/n asked with a shy smile since he never had to ask about where books, were in a library until now.

Librarian: "Go to the left, then on your third right you will see all we have."

Y/n nods his head and goes the way he was told, when he got there it made him smile. So many shelves of books, he started to look over the covers and started to pick up a lot of books. He went to reach for it, but then someone else did at the same time. He looked to his right to see a girl with green hair and  a little brown in the front. She was a type of uniform and had a gold star on it saying 'Top student'.

Amity: "You going to let go?"

Y/n: "I was going to ask the same.

Amity looks at him then smirks she let go of the book, so Y/n can put it on his stack of books.

Amity: "I'm guessing for the number of books, you never study a thing before a test?"

Y/n: "Rude of you to think that, the reason I am getting these books to learn about magic."

Amity: "To learn, you never learned about magic?"

Y/n: "Not my father does like magic and I can't ask my mother she is out the picture. So what's when the giant pot, plant magic?"

This made Amity smirk then snaps her fingers, a purple blob comes out the pot. This made Y/n's eyes widen while he walked around the pot, analyzing the creator.

Amity: "This is an Abomination, I can make the best in all of Hexside."

Y/n: "Best in Hexisde? A little arrogant?"

Amity: "Not arrogant, just correct."

Y/n: "Oh really? Then how about a bet, I bet I can summon an Abomination by the end of the day, it can beat yours in a fight."

Amity: "Fine, what do I get when I win."

Y/n: "If you win, I will do whatever you want, but when I win you will teach me about magic."

Amity made a magic circle and grabbed Y/n's and put it in with hers. They glowed for a second

Amity: "Deal and the Name is Amity Blight."

Y/n: "Y/n L/n I will see you later."

After that Y/n went back to the Owl House with his books when he got there, Luz was walking towards it. She had a sad look on her face, Y/n walked over to her.

The Halfa!?! (The Owl House x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now