Chapter 2

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Luz starts to have a dream about what happened yesterday, from chasing the owl through the magic door, Eda showing her the owl house, Luz is just groaning in her sleep. Then she wakes up in a sweat, she looks down to see that King is asleep, she looks next to her and Y/n is gone.

Luz: "It wasn't a dream! Wait where is Y/n, don't tell me he wasn't here the whole time!"She looks around then walks up to King then hugs him to death.

Luz: "Good morning, you little cutie‐pie. Also, do you know Y/n?"

King: "First I am not a cutie-pie! And second yes he woke up hours ago."

Luz is walking around the house until she gets in the bathroom before she could do anything Hooty came through the window.

Hooty: "Morning Luz."

Luz: "AH!"

Luz hits Hooty in the face and he recoils, he starts to sleave through the window.

Hooty: "Ow! I'm just wishing you a good morning. Jeez! Hoot! Ow!"

Luz: "Sorry, Hooty."

Hooty retracts through the window, and Luz talks to herself before looking through the house until she found a room full of 'witch' stuff. She puts on a 'witch' and a 'pointy hat' then waits down the stairs for Eda.

Luz: "This is it, Luz, you are going to start learning magic, though I wonder where Y/n went."


Y/n woke up hours before Luz, when he did wake he noticed how close he was to Luz. Slowly he got out of her arms and replaced himself with a pillow. He walked to the living to see an apple, the thing is he doesn't know if it is normal.

Y/n: "Well if I die, then it was a good life."

He takes a bite of the apple, and thank the lord it was a normal apple, well there was blood but it was coming from the apple. Y/n then left to go on a walk to see his new world. While he was walking her heard something, he looked around then he saw something that made him smile.

Y/n: "Hello there."

FlashBack Over

Luz then heard Eda walking towards the staircase she starts to get happy, that is until she sees Eda is in a bathrobe and slippers.

Luz: "Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship."

Eda: "Who are you again?"

Luz: "Eh?"

Next thing Luz new is that she is in the kitchen with Eda and King. She is trying to make Eda remember who she is and what they did yesterday. King was in a highchair smash his spoon in orange food that had eyeballs in it. Then Y/n walks into the Owl House with something wrapped around his neck, but he is calm like he is used to it.

Luz: "Y/n! Your back please you got to Eda. The wait was is that on your neck!?"

Everyone looked to see Y/n had a weir snake wrapped around his neck, it was a dark blue with a light blue underbelly. Then it had a skull over its head, with horns sticking out the skull then finally it had some weird wings.

 Then it had a skull over its head, with horns sticking out the skull then finally it had some weird wings

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(A/n: New pet you guys like it?)

Y/n: "This is my new pet, Jiksha."

Eda: "A blue flame venom viper. These are known to be hard to tame, and yet here you are having to owe around your neck and it not eating you."

Luz: "It's always been like this, snakes just like him, you should see him at a zoo."

They look to see him petting Jiksha under her chin, she then slides off his neck down his arm to the table.

Y/n: "So what are we learning today? Also Luz why are you wearing a traffic cone?"

Luz: "What?"

She takes off her hat then blows on it, to reveal it was a dirty traffic cone, King is looking at Jiksha and she is looking back at him with breaking eye contact. Jiksha starts to raise her head moving side to side, and King starts to do the same under her trace. Then Jiksha shoots venom at King, he jumps out his highchair then watches it burn from the touch of Jiksha's venom.

King: "AHH! I will get my revenge you viper!"

All Jiksha does is slithers up Y/n's arm and wraps around his neck getting comfortable before falling asleep.

Luz: "When do we get our magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes? Do you have a dangerous magical quest for us?"

Eda: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, kid. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. Also, you're wrapped in a bathrobe."

Luz looks down to see that she is wearing a bathrobe, she blushes and Y/n goes to get some food from the fridge.

Eda: "But a magic staff, huh? You really want one?"

Luz: "More than anything."

Eda: "Magic staff, come to me!"

Eda holds out her hand towards a doorway, Luz and Y/n look to where they can hear things getting broken. Then Eda's staff come flying into the room hitting her in the face.

Eda: "It's early. Now, witches are awarded their staffs from school. With me as your teacher, you'll be taking a different approach. You'll have to work for it. I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm."

She then picks up a fake sword then presses the button on the sword, making it light up and talk.

Sword: "I shall smite my enemies! Ages six to eleven."

Eda: " But most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions."

She says while she raises a bottle of snake oil this makes Yn raise a brow before taking it.

Y/n: "I will pay you later for this."

Y/n says while putting the bottle in his bag, Eda then hands Luz and Y/n a bag full of potions. They were now outside on the balcony while Eda points over to Bonesborough.

Eda: "Today you'll deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there, Bonesborough. You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you along with it. You wanted a dangerous magical quest? You got one."

Y/n: "I didn't ask for it, but let's get this over with."

Luz: "We won't let you down."

Luz says as she accidentally drops the bag over the balcony, Y/n grabs it but he goes down with it.

Y/n: "Ow."

Luz: "Y/n you okay?!"

All he does is raise a thumbs up, Jiksha was flying next to luz then flies down to Y/n. Luz was going downstairs and outside, once she was out the house Eda went to King who was sleeping on a chest, she then woke him up.

Eda: "I hate to interrupt your power nap, but you have to go with her."

King: "What? But I just found the perfect spot. Why do I have to go?"

Eda: "You and I know one of them is either going to get lost or eaten, probably both."

Y/n: "No we won't."

Luz: "Yeah!"

Eda closes the curtain on them, and King just sighs before leaving the Owl House.

Hooty: "Have a nice trip."

The Trio was in Bonesborough, trying to sell potions to other monsters. Luz was trying to live her fantasy, but the monsters she thought she knew. But she thought wrong since some monsters were different, now Y/n, Luz, and King are sitting on a curb while King and Y/n eat a not-dog.

Y/n: "I thought these would be gross, but it acutally tates pretty good."

King: "I told you it would, you should listen to the King of Demons more."

Y/n just rolled his eye while he took another bite of his not-dog, Luz was looking down at her book.

Luz: "Here I thought I was special for coming here. By this time Azure is on a magic quest."

Y/n: "Luz we just got here, you got to wait. Trust me one day you'll get that quest."

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