Chapter 1

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A witch quickly lands on the ground inside a type of volcano land. She is standing against a dragon-like monster.

Gildersnake: Foolish child! I could swallow you whole!

Azura: Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace!

She then crouches and holds her staff like a bazooka and loads it with magic.

Azura: "Now eat this, sucker!"

She starts to shoot a rapid blast of magic missiles towards Gildernake.

Gildersnake: No! My only weakness‐‐ dying!

Gildersnake falls into the lava pit, then it changes to two teens sitting in the principal's office with their parents.

Luz: "And that's the end."

Camilla: "The end of what?"

Y/n: "Our book report."

He says while his pet snake wraps around his hand then bite the head of the doll, Luz id holding. His father was behind him shaking his head slowly, while Camilla sighs at the both of them.

Camilla: "Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

D/n: "Y/n I know Luz is your friend and you both like this magical stuff, but I agree with Camilla."

Y/n: "It wasn't that bad."


Luz holding a fork while doing school play while Y/n is aiming a fake arrow at her.

Y/n: "It ends here you evil princess!!"

Luz: "You'll never take me alive!!

She stabs the fork into her body. A bunch of sausage spills out and Y/n still shoots an arrow at her head with a blood pack on it. This causes fake blood to spread across Luz's face, the other students and teachers runaway while screaming.

FlashBack 2

A girl acrobats successfully, everyone claps for her Luz looks over to them. Y/n is at the top of the bleacher reading a book.

Luz: You think that's an impressive trick?

Luz throws her pom-poms away and Y/n looks up from his book and smiles knowing what she is about to do.

Take a look at this.

She uncovers her eyes, revealing disgusting eyelids and starts to walk around.

Luz: "Bleep, bloop, bleep!"

Everyone runs and screams while Y/n chuckles lightly before he turns off the lights.

Y/n: "Runaway or I will eat your eyeballs!!"

He says in a creepy voice in the dark causing more screaming until the lights turn on again, and Luz and Y/n are standing next to each other with smiles.

FlashBack 3

Both Luz and Y/n are in art class, Luz made a baby griffon with spider breath while Y/n made a creepy statue with a skull and spiders crawling out it's the mouth.

Luz: "Now it's real."

she says while looking at her baby griffon.

Y/n: "Truly amazing, Luz."

This causes her to blush and hide her face behind her hands, this makes Y/n smirk.

FlashBacks Over

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